Glacial Days

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Winter was an incredibly delightful season for all, a time when children spend all day playing outside and then return at night to a warm dinner and hot cocoa. It was the same for Azumi Oikawa, the youngest Oikawa sibling. Like every other kid, she was energetic and was always in for adventure and fun. So when the winter season finally arrived, her urge to go outside and have fun only grew.

The chilly season was ideal for the volleyball team, the perfect time to practice without worrying about the harsh sun. Therefore the players scheduled a quick practice, along with the captain bringing along his little sister.

Oikawa stood before his mirror, adjusting his scarf around his neck as he glanced at the reflection of his sister in the mirror. Azumi was sitting on his bed ready to go yet there appeared to be an issue. To Oikawa's surprise, his sister had gotten a minor cold in the morning. Leading him to grow concerned for her. Her health was essential of course, yet her happiness was too.

There was still an hour until practice would start, and his parents had already gone out as they all agreed to have Azumi under Oikawa's care for the day. It was too late now, his only resolution was to seek advice from his best friend, Iwaizumi Hajime.

While the rather stoic man seemed unfit to be around kids, that thought changed when Oikawa first saw him handling Azumi. Heck, Iwaizumi was better with kids than Oikawa was! Iwaizumi always proved to be the best when it came to needing help with handling kids, as an only child he always yearned for the day he'd get to have a younger sibling. Azumi was almost like his little sister, bringing her to regularly spend time with her brother and his best friend.

It was a frequent routine for Iwaizumi to pass by Oikawa's house and accompany him on the way to practice, and just as Oikawa expected, his vice-captain let himself in. Popping his head through Oikawa's bedroom door with his hands tucked into his pockets, he greets the two and goes to sit by Azumi.

"You're ready early, there's still an hour till practice. Let me guess, Azu couldn't contain herself?" Iwaizumi chuckled, the latter laughing along and shaking his head.

"Yes and Azu isn't in the best condition, she isn't doing extremely bad but I'm afraid her accompanying us might end up with her having a fever.. so I'm unsure of what to do.." sighed Oikawa as he scratched the back of his head, Iwaizumi only hummed in response.

"How about this, let's keep her inside the gym instead of outside. Kunimi could keep her company considering he doesn't participate in practice much, if her condition does worsen then we'll cut practice short. Since it's just a voluntary practice it won't be a problem." he answered, he noticed Azumi pout at the thought that she wouldn't be able to play in the snow and have to stay inside instead. The dark-haired boy smiled in response and ruffled her head, catching her attention as she looked up at him.

"It's just until you get better Azu, if you're better by next week we can go to a light show, how does that sound?" Azumi lit up in response nodding happily, bringing Oikawa to let out a sigh of relief. Iwaizumi was like a changed person when dealing with children yet was an absolute beast with his peers. Though he didn't mind, one has to be gentle with those younger than them.

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The doors slid open as the sounds of shoes squeaking against the floor, balls hitting the ground, and compliments flying around for a nice toss filled the gymnasium. Azumi wasn't particularly a fan of volleyball like her older brother was, yet this was an intriguing sight for her. Maybe today wasn't so bad after all...

Oikawa and Iwaizumi greeted the other players and exchanged small chats, explaining the reason for Azumi's arrival. While all the members knew about her at some point, this was her first time seeing any of them. Azumi wandered around the gymnasium, her eyes scanning the new faces around the place. She stopped in her tracks as she looked up at the boy towering over her, his hair fell over his eyes as he looked down at her with cold eyes disinterested yet confused by the child standing before of him.

"So.. you're supposed to be Oikawa-san's little sister?" Azumi nodded hesitantly, he crouched down to her and reached his hand over her head. It felt like it was in slow motion, finally in what felt like forever he gently ruffled her hair with his hand smiling warmly down at her. She could warm anyone's heart no matter how cold! Without saying anything he took her hand and led her further from the others, he picked up a volleyball and walked back to her.

"It's best to stay further from them to avoid getting hit by any flying balls, say do you know how to play volleyball?" He asked the little child standing before him, she shook her head and he responded by tossing the ball to her, barely able to catch it.

"Position yourself there, throw the ball to me but make it high okay?" he instructed and got into position, Azumi nodding in response as she threw it as high as she could, the boy charged forward and leaped spiking the ball straight to the ground. Bringing the little girl to be starstruck, immediately running to him to give him a high five. He crouched down and manages to receive it just in time, just smiling down at her as she kept commenting on how cool his spike was.

"It went up but you managed to reach it! And that's the highest I can throw! How strong are you!... uhh.."

"Kunimi Akira, I forgot to introduce myself my bad."

"Akira then!"

"Geh-" Kunimi wasn't particularly pleased to be addressed by his first name, but it was Azumi so he didn't mind that much. Another boy soon came along, he was slightly taller than Akira and had unique pink hair. Azumi wondered if it was his natural hair, but before she could get the chance to ask she felt a pair of hands scoop her up from the ground. She could now see over Kunimi's head, she looked over and saw that it was just Toru carrying her no longer in his sports attire. With no explanation, he headed out with her in his arms, with the rest of the players following.

"Where are we going? What happened to practice?" She wondered out loud, bringing Iwaizumi to walk alongside Oikawa.

"We canceled it, a snowstorm warning was issued so some of us decided to go to a nearby restaurant until it was stable enough to return home." He answered this statement lingered in Azumi's mind. Maybe she will get to ask the pink-haired boy about his hair, or why Kunimi didn't practice as much as the others. So many questions lingered in her mind but before she knew it she fell into a slumber in her brother's arms. Nothing betters a glacial day but warmth.

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I hope all of you are well! A new beginning has started for me :>> I hope you all enjoyed! Have a good morning, afternoon, evening, or night!

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