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Third person pov
The next day morning
In college

As usual it was a pleasant morning for everyone.
In the classroom the lectures are going on, the students were taking notes on it except one boy who was continuously thinking something very deeply and that was none other then jungkook. He was keep looking at jimin time to time who was completely ignoring him.
Jimin was taking notes sincerely, he know that jungkook was staring at him.

Time skip bell rang
Second session started, the professor entered.

"Attention everyone, before starting the class I have something to Inform you guys. Within two days we are going to a college tour to hill Station, arranged by our university. " teacher announced. The whole class cheered up and started whispering.

"Silence!!. Today you all go home and pack your necessaries for one week. The foods, rooms and remaining everything will be arranged by our university itself" teacher exclaimed and started the class.

Jungkook glanced at jimin who was talking with taehyung being all happy with the news.

"Enjoy baby, I'm glad you're enjoying " jungkook thought, his lips curved into a devilish smirk.

Time skip
After college
In park mansion.

It was dinner time, everyone seated in the dinning room.

Jimin looked at leora and signaled her something, leora gulped and nodded.

"H-huh mom?" Leora called.

"Yes leo" melliva asked looking at leora, she gulped.

"M-mom jimin, in his college they have arranged a college tour for one week. He badly wants go huh, so he is asking permission m-mom" leora somehow said.

"So now you're his deliver girl Huh?" Melliva asked calmly while chewing.

" No mom it's just that he is afraid of you," leora said looking at jimin who was sitting there nervously.

"What, jiminahh, why are you afraid of me? Am I a monster or something?" Milleva asked.

"No no mom." Jimin said quickly.

"First eat, let's talk about everything latter." She said. They all started eating.

After dinner.
In living room

"Mom, tell me. Please can I go" jimin asked with puppy eyes.

"No jiminah you can't, I'm not allowing to go anywhere alone. On that day, you went to rescue your friend alone without even telling anything to me. See your forehead, it has a deep cut, how do you expect me to send you when you are not well huh?. You're are not going anywhere. In this week fully you have to take rest, now go to your room and sleep. It's already late." Melliva said strictly.

She was angry at them cause they didn't tell anything to her about that night. When she saw jimin in the morning she got panicked to see bandage in his forehead. She can't bear to see Even a small cut on her children' body. If she had known before that jimin is going out then she would definitely restrained him from going.

"Mommomm~~~~ it's just a small cut, nothing to worry. Any normal person won't take rest for one week for this silly cuts and all" Jimin said sulking.

"I don't care about others but you have to take rest atleast for five days. It may look like small cut but the inner tissue might been damaged. you don't know" melliva said worried.

"Mom, now you are talking like doctor. Even doctor said it's nothing to worry. Please mom. " jimin pleaded.

"No jimin your aren't going anywhere and that's final". Melliva said held her hand in air. Jimin just ran upstairs sadly. Leora felt bad for him. She turned to her mother.

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