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Quick Recap!

"Y/n! Please... Wait!"
I crossed the road immediately.
I went on the other side still hearing him call me.

But then!


My feet automatically stopped on their tracks... My eyes started widening every time as my heart took it's beat! My brain said it's something that I should not think about, but my mind says I should... I was more than terrified on my thoughts... I slowly turned around hoping that my thoughts be wrong...

"YOONGI!" I screamed my lungs out as soon as I saw the scene! He was lying on the road and blood oozing out from his head... I rushed over to him and took his head on my lap. A car had hit him, but it didn't stop and went away before anyone could see or do anything.

People gather around us!
"OH MY GOD! YOONGI! PLEASE SOMEBODY CALL FOR THE AMBULANCE QUICKLY! PLEASE HELP HIM!" I said shouting at the people who just stood there around us like statues...

"Y-y/n... Please tr-trust me..."
"Yoongi, please don't speak you'll loose your energy! Just hold on for a minute please!"
"Y/n... I really tried hard... To explain... But you... Never listen...!" He said shaking badly and almost closing his eyes...

"I know! I know! I'm really sorry, it's all because of me! I trust you Yoongi... Just please don't close your eyes... Please"
"It's... Alright... I... I..."
His eyes closed now...
"Yoongi! Hey, open your eyes please. Don't close your eyes Yoongi... Look at me! Please!" I said trying my best not to break down but he had already closed his eyes... I was a crying mess till now! Soon an ambulance came over and we went inside and drove to the hospital...

Time skip.

It was almost past 2 hours and still doctors were inside the operation room... His surgery was going on... I don't what are they even doing inside with him... Is he even alright? Did he got his consciousness back? He is fine!? Ahh so many questions were streaming inside my head... It was all my fault! All mine... Only if I  would have heard him... Aish!!!

I was impatiently waiting outside for the doctors to come out so that I could ask them about him...
I was praying for the best... Tears still streaming in a heavy portion... I kept looking down as I was crying hard!
I felt as if someone was standing in front of me... Hoping it would be the doctors I immediately looked up only to see,

"You!? Now what are you doing here!? Are you not happy after this... Look what happened to him because of your dear best friend!? What if something happens to him...!?"
I shouted at the girl in front of me... She was none other than that girl 1 of Irene's group...
She looked down first and then again looked up... Tears filled in her eyes... I was a bit taken a back to see this side of her...

"Y/n... I'm really sorry for whatever happened... We didn't really thought that it would turn into something this stiff... And I'm here for a reason Y/n... Please listen to me... For once... I will go from here if you want but just hear me once... Please..."
She said while joining her hands with mine...
Thankfully she continued...

"Actually this was all Irene's plan... She wanted you both to get away from each other so she did all of this... And that video she showed you of her and him kissing was fake... Yes it was real that she kissed him but the fact that he kissed her was wrong... He never kissed her back... And she kept talking bad about you and him but he was never ready to listen and always defended you... She also told me to record everything and having no choice I did as I was told to do... Then she edited the video and made it look as if it was all natural... I knew it was wrong so I even said her not to do so but she didn't listen... Instead she told me to get lost... And that's when I finally left her and decided to tell you everything before anything wrong happens... But I was late... Y/n... I hope you understand. I don't expect you to forgive me but atleast don't be away from him... He needs you, he loves you more than himself... His love is true and pure... You won't get anyone like him... Just forgive him and help him... Stay with him... I came here just for this... I'll take my leave now... Take care... Goodbye. Hope we... Never meet again..."

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