Life as a directioner

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This book is dedicated to my friend @JameeAlexandra, I'm not a one direction fan but I enjoyed writing this. Dan is Danisnotonfire and Phil is amazingphil who are two awesome youtubers that if you don't know them YouTube them. I hope you enjoy this story, vote and comment.


Chapter 1.

I was arm in arm with my older brother descending the stairs out into the backyard, people were all gathered around the small stage that was set up, One Direction was singing 'moments' in perfect harmony. I couldn't believe it One Direction was at my sweet sixteenth birthday party but then again Louis Tomlinson is my brother.

I was pulled up onto the stage by Harry, jumping up and down to the beat of the music, Niall spun me around a goofy grin plastered on his face , suddenly I was in Liam's arms his lips only inches from mine...

"Jamee Tomlinson get your butt downstairs!" Dad yells from the kitchen. I groaned, rolling over to check my alarm clock. Five thirty am! What in gods name is he doing waking me up at this ungodly hour of the morning on a Saturday. Ugh! I roll out of bed slowly, pulling on a pair of ripped black denim shorts and a skull singlet before walking through my adjoining bathroom into Louis's bedroom. I blindly searched around his room, feeling for his bed, smiling when I found it.

Jumping onto his bed, giggling as I bounced on his bed. "Wake Up!" I shout, getting pushed off of the bed in response. "Go away." Louis growls, his voice muffled by the covers that were over his head. "Fine." I say, stomping my feet as I left his room with a huff, prancing downstairs and into the kitchen where mum and dad stood both wearing grins on their faces. "Happy Birthday!" Mum pulls me into a hug..

Pulling back at arms length to look me up and down. "My baby girl is growing up." Dad pulls both mum and I into a bear hug, squeezing us hard before setting us down. "Couldn't you wake me up at a decent hour?" I ask, crossing my arms across my chest firmly. "Oh," Mum says, getting cut off by Dad. "Not if you don't want this." He dangles a single key from between his fingers, I squealed in delight. "No. Fricking. Way!"

I snatched the key out of his head, pecking a kiss on his cheek then mum's. "Well you could have waited for me." Louis mutters, standing at the base of the stairs, his arms crossed and an upset look on his face. He wore his usual attire of red jeans and a white striped long sleeve t-shirt with canvas shoes. The doorbell rang, distracting Louis from his tantrum, he walked out of the room, loud voices spoke as they walked through the house.

Louis came back in followed by Harry, who wore denim jeans and a plain black hoodie, he held a wrapped present in his hands,a shiny pink bow on top. "For you." Harry hands me the present. "Thanks." I give him a quick hug, setting the present on the table. "Hey, whose's ride out front? It's sweet." Harry smiles, I slip on my flip flops that sat at the front door, throwing the front door open and running outside, leaving it open. Stopping when I saw my dreamcar sitting in my driveway. I couldn't believe it.

"!" My all time favourite car was in my driveway, a black '67 Chevy impala with a huge red ribbon was in my driveway. In mint condition too. I squealed with absolute delight, running up to the car and running my hand along it. "Sweet ride angel." Liam smiles,walking up the driveway, Zayn and Niall trailing behind. "You gonna take me for a ride." Louis chuckles, high fiving Harry as the stood on the front porch, casually leaning against the railing.

"In your dreams dweeb." I slide into the drivers side, the engine purring to life as I turned the car on, the back door opened and Harry and Zayn slid in, strapping on the seat belt. I chuckled to myself, watching as Liam opened the passenger door, slowly getting into the car. "Where to?" I ask, watching Louis and Niall chuckle to each other as they stood in front of the car. "How 'bout Frosty's? Louis and Niall can follow us there. Froyo sounds good."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2013 ⏰

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