Prompt 1: Ancient Magic

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(Tw: abuse)

Diane coughed as soot from the chimney above her rained down on her head, glaring up at the stack as the person inside cleaned out the flukes. She shook her wild red hair to try and get as much soot out as she could, standing up from her spot in the alley to try and find a better place to sit. Maybe she should go visit Danny, spend some time with the kids and help him watch the little ones. She just hoped his father wasn't around.

She peeked into one of the windows of Danny's house, hearing shouting and crying. Nope, he was definitely home. Not a good time to visit. It sounded like a fight that was even worse than normal.

She peeked over the sill of the window in time to see a chair fly across the room, and everyone went silent. Danny looked back at the kids with wide eyes, but refocused on their father when he roared with anger, but stumbled only a few feet before collapsing at Danny's feet in a drunken stupor.

Danny sighed with relief and herded the kids to the front of the house, which gave Diane enough time to sneak around to the front of the house and gently knock on the door with the signature knock that told Danny who she was.

He opened it with a relieved expression, looking over his shoulder to his father still on the ground. "Diane." He sighed, before running over to the kids and taking the two youngest, little Peter who was only a baby, and David who was just learning how to walk.

"I'm sorry to ask you this, but I need you to take the little ones to Mary." Danny said quickly, looking behind him in worry when his father made a noise from the ground. "This isn't a good place for them right now."

Diane's heart hammered at the thought and nodded, taking the children from him. "I will. Be safe, Danny." She said urgently.

"Don't worry about me, squirt. Worry about yourself." Danny gave her a weak smile before looking back at another groan. "Now go- get to Mary."

Diane nodded, knowing she'd have to be quick holding two children like this. It made her- only a 14 year old girl- even more vulnerable than usual. It was times like this that she'd wished she had magic, a spark, anything to help defend herself like her brother could. Then again... she was here because she didn't.

She ran through the streets with the babies, holding them tight to her sides as Peter started crying with how much he was being jostled. She ducked into an alley to try and shush him gently, holding him against her shoulder and whispering to him as she looked around with wide eyes.

"Well, well..." a man said, and she looked over in alarm as two men were already in the alley. She knew them well, they were always chasing after her to be forced into their urchin ring of beggars. Shit, and she had Peter and David, too!

She ducked out of the alley as fast as she could, but heard heavy footsteps following close behind her. She knew no one would help her, no one ever helped anyone in Whitechapel.

She panted for breath as she ducked through crowds in the streets, David and Peter both crying as she held them tightly. Mary's house wasn't far- it wasn't far!!

She gasped as a hand grabbed the back of her jacket, the thick wool making it impossible for her to get away with the kids in her arms.

"Gotcha! Little brat, you're not getting away this time." The man laughed as he pushed her into another alley between houses, making her nearly trip over the debri left by the house on one side.

She knew she couldn't just let them take her and the kids, and she wouldn't give up without a fight. She was a Walsh, and even if she didn't have magic she was still trained to fight!

She ran to the back of the alley, the run giving her enough time to set the babies down on the ground before turning around to bring her fists up.

Remember, sis, they may be big and scary, but you're strong too.

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