Paperwork [FTO S5]

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So, here's a lil story bc.. I've been in a writing mood! This is sort of an example of how it'll work and such.. Feel free to comment anywhere for any stories you want!! ^^
Ship: None
Fluff/angst?: Both (?)
Major Character(s): Inmo, Brandon
    Inmo sighed heavily, he leaned his head back against the statues base... He stared upward, seeing an upside down profile of Boss' statue, his eyes trailed downward towards Sir Ritchie's statue. He closed his eyes, murmuring to himself. "Why." He asked out, his voice becoming lost in the wind. After a few minutes of silence, he heard soft footsteps, he didn't even have to open his eyes to realize who was approaching. The footsteps soon halted, and a voice spoke. "Inmo? What're you doing here?" The persons voice was gentle and accented, Inmo opened his eyes as he lifted his head. Brandon, his guess was correct! Inmo stretched and sat up straighter, standing. "I was just... relaxing." He said quietly. Brandon stared back, his body language and overall demeanor showed that he was tired. He merely nodded. "I saw." A heavy silence fell over them, there were not many words to be exchanged between them. After a few minutes, Inmo finally spoke up. "Are-.." He, began, wishing he hadn't spoke, but continued. "Are you alright boss? You look tired." Brandon stared at him, his shoulders gently dropping as he sighed. "I'm.. as fine as one can be." He replied quietly, turning away from the explosion mage. Inmo softly huffed out, a pit forming in his stomach... He wasn't all that good with people, his lack of a filter not at all a help. "Wanna talk about it?" The half devil asked, drawing out the 't', his voice heightening at the end. Brandon merely shrugged, softly nodding his head. Inmo's eyes lit up for a moment, his tail softly swaying, "Cool! Follow me." Inmo turned and led the way, Brandon followed, a small smile playing on his lips.

     Brandon and Inmo now sat on Inmo's small bed, his room looking oddly dull... Inmo shifter and turned to Brandon, staring at him expectantly, yet patiently. Brandon sighed, again, and looked off to the side. "It's just... my self and my brother would split the work load.. and now that he's not here.. it's hard. David and Lucas help when they can of course but.. they're both always busy bringing in money and caring for small problems and disputes. The rest of the guild, including you, don't have the required 'clearance' to do anything either, Kit was.. a one time exception..." His voice trailed off, wavering, he wouldn't even look up. Inmo frowned, he knew it must've been hard emotionally, but he forgot about how they worked together. The more he thought, the more he realized. The council meetings grew more frequent, and Brandon always came home with something.. Somedays Brandon would leave early and come back late. Before he could think, Inmo gently rested a hand on Brandon's arm. Brandon looked up, the expression on his normally calm face made Inmo's heart hurt, it was an odd hurt... Not quite one of pity. Brandon raised his free arm up to his face to stop the already forming tears to fall, wiping them away gingerly. Inmo shifted and stared before carefully hugging him, being gentle as best as he could. Brandon's body was tense before he leaned heavily into it, his arms weakly gripping around the half devil. His head fell onto the shoulder without the Viking shoulder pad. His grip tightened as he softly shook, crying into the purple haired ones shoulder. Inmo hugged him back, he didn't move much, even at all for the duration of the time, simply holding Brandon and letting him cry.

     Inmo recalled the feeling full moment, finding himself back at Ritchie's and Boss' statues... He sat half curled up, this time, he heard quick, slightly... angry? footsteps... "Inmo." Inmo lifted his head, seeing a still tired, yet stern Brandon. Uh oh. "Yes?" "What did you do." "What do mean Mr. Brandon? I've been here all day!" He chirped. Brandon stared, half heartedly glaring. "I know you did something. I talked to you and now half of my paperwork is missing." Inmo paled, lightly flexing his now sweaty hands as he stood. "I didn't touch any papers? I haven't seen anything that even looks like a paper!" Inmo tried, but his voice became higher pitched, giving his very obvious lying away. "Inmo. Where did you put it." Inmo sighed, his shoulders dropping in defeat. "It's in my room..." He confessed, drawing out the last syllable of 'room'. Brandon turned and made a 'follow' motion with his hand, Inmo grumbled and followed.

     Brandon sat in his office, filing through the done paperwork, fixing minor mistakes... Huh, Inmo surprisingly did a decent job... He filed away the last paper, looking over his empty desk... For the first time in months it was actually cleared. He sort of regrets giving Inmo that stern talking, but it was needed... He sighs and stands, walking to Inmo's room. He gingerly knocked and waited patiently. The door creaked open and the heterochromic half devil peaked out. Inmo smiled. "Hey boss! Do you need something.?" Brandon stared, he gave a soft smile. "No, I just... wanted to thank you." Inmo smiled fully, his eyes squinting, something Brandon picked up that meant he was truly, or really, happy. "No problem boss! Did I do good on it?" Brandon smiled a bit more, nodding. "You did a great job." Inmo gave a short cheer "Yes!" Brandon patted the slightly shorter mage, the two contently smiling at one another.

"Does this mean I can get clearance to help with paperwork?"

"Mh. Not quite."


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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