Day one: Teeth

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A/N: This might be terrible, any and all criticism welcome :D

I woke up to my alarm ringing dead in my left ear. I hit the button on top to silence it. Forcely sitting up to rub my eyes, I stand, having to sit back down immediately Goddamn anemia. I try again to stand, succeeding this time. I start to walk to the bathroom, tugging on the loose white shirt I wore in hopes of waking myself up, but I fail miserably at doing so. I finally reach the bathroom. The longer I look at my face the weirder it looks, I take a closer look at each part of my face, and everything looks normal. there’s still something off when I finally look at my (yellowed) teeth. I realize that they don’t look normal. They look soft and almost squishy, so out of natural curiosity I tug on one of my teeth. It falls out of my mouth with ease, and so does the flow of blood out of my mouth, my mind runs ramped with thoughts as the tears begin to flow down my face, I drop the tooth I was holding and listen to the disgusting splat the same sound clay makes when it hits the ground, just the sound sends shivers down my spine. I grab another tooth and pull it out, just to convince myself it was real and it was, I throw the tooth down on the ground. I can’t stop myself from ripping the rest out, the blood fills my mouth and coats my hands. I feel some parts of the teeth I ripped out stuck under my nails, making me cringe at the sensation as I start to cough, blood splattering against the mirror and covering the sleek marble counter. It feels as if the blood will never stop flowing, I feel myself becoming light-headed as I fall and my head hits the blood-stained counter. My head starts to ring, a beating sensation flooding my senses, I feel my body hit the, I try to crawl my way back to my bedroom, despite my blackening vision. I can’t reach there in time before the world fades away from me, I only feel that same squishy clay that my teeth had become all over me. 

WC: 372

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