Oil hungry [Vuzi lemon]

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It was a late night as a small purple worker drone was working on a landing pod of some sort. In the landing pod there was a tall yellow murder drone sitting in a chair, 'tied' to a chain. It was very quiet, the only noise you could hear were the purple drone working on the landing pod and the tall drone blowing bubbles. The silence was yet broken by the tall drone asking the small one a question.

"Hey purple thing, can you untie me?" "Why should I?.." "Because I'm hungry" "Ugh.. V, you know N went out hunting for you, right" "Yea but you're oil is sweeter." The small drone froze. "E-excuse me?" She said standing up turning to the taller drone. "You heard me, You're oil is sweeter than the other drones~, therefore better!~" The smaller drone then leaned in, inches away from the taller drones face. "Was that a confession?~" the smaller drone teased. "What NO I-I was just complementing your oil.. that's all!.." The taller drone said trying to form a sentence, all flustered. "So if I asked you if you wanted my oil right now, you'd say yes?" "Y-yea duh..!, who wouldn't?" "Right.." The smaller drone then continued to work on the landing pod. "Soo..." "No V I'm not uniting you" "C'mon Uz, just one nibble, I don't bite that hard~"

The purple drone stood up and said "Ok.. But just a bit..!, only so you can leave me alone!" "Alright then" The purple drone walked over to the taller drone so she could have a taste of her oil "Why am I doing this..?" "Because you love me~" V then pulled Uzi onto her lap causing Uzi to blush."Ok V, But don't go over board. "Ok~" V then bit Uzi neck which made her whimper. V stopped biting her neck and looked at her as Uzi was covering her mouth. "V I didn't mean to!.. It was an accident" Uzi buried her face in V's chest making them both blush "That was cute..~" "H-huh?!" "You heard me.. I wanna hear it again!~" V then bit her neck again.

"S-stop..V~" Uzi then hopped off V. "I'm still hungry~. N is just taking way to long!~" "W-well I don't know what to tell you..!"
"Hey guys! I'm back!" "Finally, what took so long?!" "Sorry, the worker drones were actually fighting back! So it to a bit longer. And plus all the snow made my wings stop up so.. yea heh" "I don't care, wheres my food?, I'm OVERHEATING!" "Oh, here you go!" V then started eating like a cannibal. "Ew V, where are your 'manners'?" Uzi said. All V did was stare at her for a few seconds and continued, eating but more politely.

"Uzi can you come outside real quick, I wanna talk to you" "Uh sure" N and Uzi then walked out the pod to talk.

"Uzi uh.. do you maybe.. have a crush on V?.." "Oh!..V? ,uh, I mean, shes cool but..,why are you asking?" "Oh! No reason.., so was that a yes?" "Uh..-" "Hey shorty~, what are you doing with this loser?" "N isn't a loser! You're just mean >:(" V crossed her arms. "And plus!, it's none of your business!" "I heard you 2 talking-" "Uh.. did you hear everything we said?" "Yea-" "Oooo Uzi, your in trouble~" N said laughing while flying off.

"So.. you don't like me then?.." V said with her tail drooping down. "V I.. I'm sorry I just thought N still liked me and!-" V gave Uzi a serious stare. "He WHAT?.." "Oh.. uh, N-nothing I just.. look V, I thought N still liked me so I said no, just to not-" "I'M GONNA KILL HIM!!" "N-NO, V!! .." "LET GO OF ME UZ, I SWEAR I WILL-" Uzi turned V to look at her, and gave V a small kiss. "U-Uzi..?" "Your not gonna kill N, right?" "...If that's what want..!" "T-thanks Babe.." Uzi covered her mouth. "W-what did you call me?" "S-sorry, It slipped out!" "It's fine I guess." V then picked up Uzi (brides style) And flew her home.

Word count : 704

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