Chapter 1

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Aria walked with strides in the School hallway, however as she walked confidently, her schoolmates feared her. The eyes of fear, stared her down as she walked. Aira was an extreme outsider and dangerous person, she had been expelled from every school, 12 schools in 8 years, spanning the whole state of  Washington. Now she has placed at St Katherine Middle School.

She entered the gymnasium, where the basketball team was practicing.
"Hey! You freak! This is a private practice so get lost!" The captain, Clay Harvey yelled out. His teammates began calling out many more words of hate outcast, dork, stupid, emo... and most uncreative, freak.

Aria was having none of that nonsense, instead she threw a ball, but it wasn't any ball, it was a heavy, non padded mediece ball, right at Clay Harvey. The screaming was intense. The teammates began shouting and running in a panic.
"It's the psycho! she's gonna kill us all!" A teammate yelled. "She's gonna take our hearts out!" Said another.

Soon the basketball members escaped the gym. Only clay was left, unconscious and lying on the floor. Aira was happy and walked out as well, stepping on clay's body and they returned to the school hallway as many students entered the gym in a panic...

Why would she do this? She hated this school. All the kids were mean. She wanted to be expelled and be sent to a boarding school. However her parents wouldn't let her, because she needed "close watch" at least that's what her parents told her. As she stared, thinking about why she did, she felt a hand on her shoulder.

Aria was suddenly grabbed by a teacher, Mr. Farr. "You Monster! Child of Asmodeus! Get down to Headmaster Miller office immediately!" Aira walked down, with Mr. Farr close behind.
The office was plain, only a desk and a bookshelf. On the desk was a nameplate; a few crosses and many cards of past students. Sitting in the chair was a man, in his 60s with an almost bald head, just some thin gray hair lined his scalp. He had an angry expression, unhappy smile and disappointed, green eyes.

"Oh... Aira Keller... your actions have spoken more than words. Your words have been disrespectful, hurtful and deeply insulting. However your actions are dangerous, violent and wild. You from here on out are expelled from St Katherine Middle School. However, out of the kindness of our hearts you will be allowed to continue your education until the end of this school year." His gaze was a hurtful one but full of kindness.

Soon a woman and man entered, her parents. "Aira! How could you do this!" Her mother wailed. "You monster! Demon! I denounced you many a time!" Her father voiced.
"Silence in my office!" The headmaster demanded. "I have found an alternative solution. While she could stay for the rest of the year, I have a boarding  school in mind, Blilance Academy for Other Students! This school offers an alternative way of educating students. It's for students who are more gifted, troubled, special, spiritual or otherwise interested in a different type of education!" His voice begin to sound like a salesman.

"Sorry but we are in a financial situation and we can-" Aira father was cut off. "Ah but Brilliance Academy for Other Students is completely free!"
Their parents looked at each other, then at their daughter with disgust. "A school for outcast..." her mother mumbled. "It's perfect for Aira! She can finally make friends! With other werid folk."

"SHUT UP!" Aira screamed. "Unless this place is a boarding school I'm not going!"
The headmaster, still surprised. "Ah but it is-" Suddenly Aria's face changed into a smile. "No... no no no! Boarding school! Then we would lose all control! She needs discipline! And that's not an option at a boarding school!" Her father said. Her mother nodded in agreement.

The headmaster was too stunned to speak. "Well what do you want most for your child? Rehabilitation and a happy life or a miserable one and she will turn out to be a ..." he paused. Aria's parents paused, turned at each other then  back at him. "Well... we will sign her up at the end of the school year..." her mother finally uttered after a long moment of silence. Aira's face turned into a big smile, however an air of tension was still in the air.

6 months later...

On the road at the entrance to discovery park is where the Keller family dropped off young Aria.
"Ah sweetie pie! Aria will be well. And we will be happy for 9 long months!" Her father turned to Aria. "Behave yourself here or else!" He snarled then hit the gas.

Headmaster Miller sat waiting on a park bench, his cane in one hand and a box in the other. He approached the young student and handed her the box. "Here, this is very important."
Aria took the box. It was very plain other than Brilliance Academy for Other Students written in a simple elegant font and a snake in a red and gray crest.

Inside was a beautiful handcrafted key. 'A key. Thin and glittering under the light, both ends wrapped in sapphires. A stunning design for such a small thing, and, yet, it clearly had a value to the holder. It's metal bits were black, made of the purest obsidian. It was a beautiful piece, a wonderful key of power.

"Headmaster! I couldn't have possibly ever possibly ever take this! It's way to expensive for me. Plus my parents will never let me keep it." Aria argued but the Headmaster had an unchanged, happy and docile gaze.
"This is your key." He said in a wise voice "this is how you get into your dorm room, your Identification at school and many many other things. This key hold your whole life at Brilliance Academy..." the headmaster gave Aria a big, hug, something Aria wasn't used to.

"You know the headmaster there is my older brother, Headmaster Miller but he likes to be called Fred." He joked.
Several minutes passed. Headmaster Miller began reading Titus, one of the New Testament and Aira began scrolling on TikTok, seeing kids from St. Kathrine  having a normal life, one she wished she had.

Suddenly an old fashion car pulled up at almost 90 miles an hour then stopped to a halt. A woman, in her late 20s, with blonde hair, sparkling green eyes and a friendly demeanor.
"Oh hello Frank! I saw you many times but never escorted a student personally!" She had a strong and loud voice, along with a thick New York accent like she came straight out of the city. The car was black and as the woman opened the door, out was a bright and loud red interior along with a smell of herbs.

"Ah so you are Aria? Been from 12, now 13 schools in 8 years? This school has been calling to you, my child." She said as she picked up Aria small luggage inside the ancient car. "Let's go! It's gonna be a long drive!" Aria got in the car and sat down in the red interior, and looked at the beautiful sunset as it descended into nightfall...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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