twenty seven

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Another two days passed by

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Another two days passed by. Riki and Ju-won weren't a couple yet, but surely they weren't only friends. It was more like a middle thing whick they liked to keep for a while.

They decided to tell the others about their feelings and of course their kiss,  right after Jungwon got told by them. Their reaction was really priceless.

"Oh my god, I knew it" Sunoo broke out in laughter as soon as he heard the news from the boy standing in the middle of the room. Riki decided to tell them alone since they were his brothers.


"I wish you all the best, you two give off such a cute couple" Jake added.

"Guys, we're not a couple haha. I just told you we love eachother but not that we're together"
Riki said, shaking his head while smiling. He found it cute how the members directly reacted so happy although they didn't know what exactly happened.

"You're not together? Then what are you two?" Jay asked, furrowing his brows.

"I don't really know to be honest. We know we have feelings for eachother but idk it just happened by now and I don't want to overwhelm her with a relationship right away"
The youngest explained.

"Okay, but you really need to keep going okay? She is a gorgeous girl and needs a guy like you"
Sunghoon wanted to make sure to the younger guy.

"I will. I really like her and I don't want to loose her again" Riki now felt a feeling of excitement rising in him.

He really made it to the point where they kissed.


They told all the left members except for the oldest, Heeseung.

Ju-won wanted to go alone and tell it him seperately. He was her brother so it felt as she had to do it alone.
She felt comfortable with it , now two days after she and Riki told eachother.

She stood in front of her brother's and Sunoo's room. She knew he was in it alone.
Ju-won was really nervous. She didn't know how he would react.

But after she pulled herself together, she eventually knocked at the big door.

It took a few seconds until she heard footsteps appearing behind the door. Then it was opened and revealed Heeseung behind it.

"Hey Heeseung" The younger girl smiled at her brother who was a bit confused by the situation.

"Ju? What are you doing here? I thought you'd had class now?" He said, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm happy to see you too haha. No just kidding, Mrs. Park cancelled it because she's sick" The girl explained, earning a nodd in understanding.

"Can I come inside?" She asked, bouncing with her feet a bit in excitement.

"Of course" The guy stepped to the side to made her space to enter the hotel room.

"So, you want anything from me?" Heeseunh asked, after closing the door and leaning against the closet.

Ju-won sighed quietly before sitting down on his bed, hiding her palms under her backs of the knees.

"Actually I wanted to tell you something"

"Well then, shoot away" He grabbed his cup of coffee which stood right next to him on the desk before.

"Sooo but please don't get angry with me okay?" She wanted to make sure he'd not do anything wrong.

"Are you with Sungjin again?" He asked, now looking straight in his sister's bambi eyes which they both got from their mother.

"Oh go no. Don't worry. But there's something I really want to tell you.
  I'll just say it now. Riki and I have feelings for eachother"
Ju-won narrowed her eyes right after finishing her sentence.

When she didn't hear an answer she opened them again and looked up to Heesezng who still leaned against the closet. He starred at the floor while taking another sip of coffee.

"Heeseung?" She asked carefully.

"Hm?" He widened his eyes as he looked at the girl sitting across him.

"Did you hear what I said?"

"Yes , I did. Listen, Ju-won, I don't really know how I shall deal with it now. Let me just talk with him later, okay?" He exhaled one time before placing his cup back on the table and crossing his fingers behind his neck.

"Oh okay" Ju-won didn' really know what to do now, so she just left the room and grabbed her phone.

Today, 3:20pm

I told him Rikiii
I don't know what to do with his answer help
He said he wants to talk to you later

Oh no that doesn't sound good
I just hope he is calm and not angry or something


Author's corner:

here i am again hehehe

two short chapters = balance
I hope so at least haha

guys only 3 chapters leftttt I'm so sad

I try to make the next ones longer, reallyyyyy
btw i catched a cold yesterday and I'm coughing and sneezing the whole time help

i try to write tomorrow morning because I'll meet with my friend tmrw:))

love u all xx

see u in the next author's corner <333

~october 3rd 2023

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