twenty eight

431 22 2

Riki was nervously walking up and down in his room he shared with Jake

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Riki was nervously walking up and down in his room he shared with Jake. It had been a few hours since Ju-won told her brother about the kiss.

Heeseung wanted to talk to him later. He didn't know exactly when.

What did he mean with later? The night? Evening? Tomorrow?

He just hoped he wouldn't get upset in any way. After walking up and down he pulled himself together before sitting down on his bed, swiping through his phone until he heard a knocking at the door.

Riki winced as he heard the continous noise, so he stood up, slowly walking towards the door.

When he opened it, Heeseung was revealed. He looked neither happy than angry or sad. He had a normal facial expression on his face. Riki couldn't really interpret his emotions.

"Hey Heeseung" He said as the older guy was just silently standing across him.

"Hello Riki. You probably know why I'm here right?" The older one started, receiving a nodd from the boy.

"You want to come inside?" Riki asked.

"Yeah, thank you" Heeseung replied while walking inside the room.

Heeseung took a deep breath before he sat down on the big doublebed in the middle of the small hotel room.

"Since when do you like her?" Heeseung now looked in the younger one's eyes. Riki sat down on the chair next to the desk.

"For a long time I guess. Already before the accident I really liked her"

"And now, do you like her only? Or more?"

"More. I don't only like her, I really love her, Heeseung. Oh man it probably sounds so weird for you when i'm saying I love your sister" Riki shook his head slowly while laughing short silently.

"I would lie if I say it isn't weird to hear, you're right. Listen Riki, Ju-won is a girl who sometimes pushes herself to her limits.
She needs someone to give her a strong hold, you know? And you too. You need someone who cares for you and who really have true feelings for you"

Riki nodded. Why did it sound like Heeseung would try to tell that he thinks Riki isn't the right one for Ju-won?

"And that's why I think you two need each other. You two have true feelings, that's the key for a good relationship" Heeseungs smiled at the boy.

Riki couldn't believe what Heeseung just told him. He is okay with that?

"Wait, really? You're okay with it?" Riki widened his eyes as a bright smile appeared on his face.

"Of course, Riki. She really loves you and she needs someone like you.
You two would die if you wouldn't be together. And I would be a beast if I would say no" Heeseungs now smiled and looked in Riki's deep dark eyes.

"Thank you Heeseung. I really love your Sister" Riki stood up and hugged his hyung.

This high was really reassuring Riki's worries he had before. He now knew he could be free with his feelings. It felt so good to finally let go of all the worries, thoughts and hesitates he had before.

"But if you hurt her, I'm going to kill you by myself okay?" Heeseungs said jokingly after pulling himself back from the hug.

"I would never hurt her" Riki made sure after nodding.

Heeseungs smiled in response.

"Then I think I should leave now" He added. He earned a nodd in response from the younger boy.


Ju-won was already waiting for hours now. Riki promised her he would get in touch if Heeseung spoke with him.

It was already 8pm, pretty late. The whole 7 hours she waited felt like years. Probably because the members also have been at training most of the time.

But they got split by training since they hadn't enough space to train as the whole 7 member group. Fate really wasn't with her that day she thought.

Upside down with her head on the edge of the bed, lying on her back. It surely looked funny how she lay there but every other position was tiring and would just increase her nervousness.
Although he nervousnedd didn't decrease through lying upside down with her head.

"Do you really think the time will go by faster of you lie upside down?" Jungwon asked with a chuckle, sitting on his bed next to her while reading a book.

"Maybe. He promised me to text me Jungwon" She looked in the older guy's eyes while still lying upside down.

"Ju, he'll surely text you. Riki wouldn't forget you, he loves you too much for that haha" Jungwon replied to the girl.

"Hmm I hope so" Ju-won replied.

They continued talking about the previous happens until it knocked at their door. Ju-won lifted up her head surprised. She looked at Jungwon with widened eyes.

"Do you think it's Riki?" She asked with a excited tone in her voice.

"Go and take a look" Jungwon laughed in response. He found it cute how Ju.won jumped out of her bed and hopped to the door.

When she opened he saw Riki. He looked disappointed, even sad.

He smile faded as he took a look at him.

"Riki? Oh my god no please don't tell me he's angry" A trace of fear appeared in her voice, she cleared her throat.

Riki looked at the floor.

"He said that...."

"Come on, tell me now" Ju-won hopped like a kid in front of him imn nervousness.

"He thinks that... we both need eachother and he said he knows we have true feelings for eachother" Riki now looked slowly up to the girl, he couldn't suppress the sbright smile appearing on his face.

Ju-won's eyes widened. A big smile appeared on her face too.

"Oh my god really?" She jumped in to his arms, huigging him tightly.

"Yes, Ju. And we have true feelings for eachother" Riki added, placing his chin on the girl's head.

"Omg you two are too sweet for this world" Jungwon laughed, watching the two minors falling for eachother every new second that passed.

They really fell in Love after such a complicated time. Wow.


Author's corner:

Omg i can't anymore, my third last author's corner in this ff

I'm crying

But ig the story is predicted to stop soon<33
It feels right to head to the finale now although it still makes me a bit sadddd

Again I hate this chapter omg

I'm so sorry that it's so bad+messed up written

See u then in the penultimate author's corner :((

I'm crying (again)

love u all xx

~october 5th 2023

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