twenty nine

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Two whole months passed

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Two whole months passed. No one knew how that tour could happen so quickly.
Only one day left until their very last show.

The biggest finale. I would take place in the biggest hall, more precisely stadium in whole south Korea.

Riki and Ju-won. This was a thing. Somehow still not in a relationship but they loved eachother. All the other members couldn't understand how they couldn't be together already.
They spent most of the time they had free from all the training and concerts together.

Currently Ju-won was alone outside. She lay on her back on a pacninc blanket at a random meadow. She thought about everything. Everything that happened the last 4 months.

Already 4 months. The tour started at the beginning of July. And now. November. Already.

How could the time fly so fast? Wasn't it just two days ago she and Riki confessed themselves? No. Two months.

Ju-won closed her eyes after looking for already half an hour in the sky, looking at the clouds moving slowly.



"Hey Ju, you need to calm down okay? I know it's hard for you but if you panic yourself it's gonna be harder for you to breathe. Come, just sit down"

Ju-won remembered Riki saying this in the closet room when her clautrophobia was just kicking in again. He was so lovely to her. He has always been lovely to her, she just didn't notice it so early.

The small, almost tiny situations he was there for her. They kept swaying through her mind while still having her eyes closed.


"Oh man. That was absolutely not fair!"

"Why? I'm the master in this game, Ju. accept it or cry. It's your choice"

"Hey, you're cheeky"

"I have to go to the toilet but I'll be back soon. I'll get my revenge, Nishimura Riki. You'll see."

"Okay, I'm excited, Lee Ju-won"


Him claiming she was bad at fifa. That was that point. It was just them teasinh but now it has a completely different meaning to her.
A way deeper and better meaning.


"It's my mission to make you the best mario kart player on earth, except for me of course"

Ju-won slid a little closer to Riki who still held the controler in his hands.

He could feel a few butterflies rising inside him. He smiled a bit before he could feel her hands touching his.

"So, you pressing this button when you start driving the curve. You steer in the direction of the curve and yes, it's that easy"

"Got it?" She asked. She noticed his hands were a bit sweaty.

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