chapter 1 Brittany is sayaka big sister

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Brittany is working in her bakery when she sees her little sister Walk in and Brittany said hi little sister how was school today and sayaka said it was good big sister and Brittany said that is good and do you want to help me bring some cookies back home for father and gai and Brittany and sayaka put some cookies in a box and Brittany locked the back door and Brittany turned off the lights and Brittany and sayaka walked out of the bakery and Brittany locked the door. Brittany walked to her jeep and Brittany and her little sister got in her jeep and Brittany is driving back home and Brittany and sayaka made it back home and Brittany parked her jeep and Brittany shut off her jeep and Brittany grabbed the box of cookies and sayaka walked in side and Brittany said father me and sayaka are home and I brought home cookies and amon said thank you Brittany sweetie and Brittany said your welcome father. Brittany walked in to her bedroom and Brittany put on her purple sweatpants and Brittany put her blue tank top and Brittany put on her light blue off the shoulder shirt and Brittany kept her socks on and Brittany walked out of her room when sayaka said big sister can you help me with my homework and Brittany said of course I can help you with your homework and Brittany is helping her sister with her homework when tatsumi said Brittany and sayaka dinner is ready and Brittany said thank you tatsumi and tatsumi said your welcome Brittany and Brittany said come on sayaka let go have dinner then I'll help you finish your Homework ok. Brittany is done helping her little sister with her homework and sayaka said thank you Brittany for helping me with my homework and Brittany said your welcome little sister and good night and sayaka said good night big sister and Brittany is walking back to her room when she sees gai at his mother grave and Brittany walked over to gai and Brittany said hi gai and gai said hi Brittany and thank you for the cookie and Brittany said your welcome gai and I remember the night that my father found you and I remembered because I was feeding you a bottle and you grabbed my fingers. Gai said I remembered that and Brittany said I remember when you were a baby my father let you sleep in my room because I knew how to change a diaper and make a bottle and you use to curl up in my arms and gai said yeah I did and Brittany said we should get back and get some sleep ok and Brittany and gai made it back to the house and Brittany said good night gai and gai said good night Brittany and Brittany walked in to her room and Brittany brushed her hair and Brittany brushed her teeth and Brittany put her cell phone on the charger and Brittany climbed in to her bed and Brittany fall asleep and Brittany is having peaceful dreams. The next morning brittany is out of the shower and Brittany is dried off and Brittany shaved her legs and armpits and Brittany put on her deodorant and Brittany put on her cherry blossom scented lotion on her legs and Brittany washed her hands and Brittany put on her lilac lace bra and matching underwear and Brittany put on peach crop top shirt and Brittany put on her white short and Brittany put on her peach socks and Brittany brushed her hair and teeth and Brittany ponytail braid her hair and Brittany grabbed her cell phone and her wallet and Brittany walked out of her room. Brittany is eating her breakfast when she see her father and little sister and Brittany said good morning father and good morning little sister and Amon said good morning brittany and sayaka said good morning big sister and Amon said Brittany sweetie your little sister is staying here to help me with the calming of the shiryu and Brittany said ok and be careful and call me if there is a emergency ok. Amon said Brittany I promise you that if we have a emergency that I will call you ok and Brittany said ok father and Brittany washed her plate and Brittany put her plate away and Brittany kissed her father on his cheek and Brittany hugged her little sister and Brittany grabbed her jeep keys and Brittany walked out of the house and Brittany said bye gai and I'll see you later ok and gai said bye Brittany and yeah see you later and Brittany got in her jeep and Brittany is driving to her bakery and Brittany made it to her bakery and Brittany parked her jeep and Brittany shut off her jeep and Brittany got out of her jeep and Brittany unlocked the door and Brittany turned on the lights and Brittany started to make coffee and Brittany turned on the latte machine and Brittany put on her apron and Brittany turned on the open sign. Brittany is baking banana bread and banana muffins and Brittany put them in the display case and Brittany washed the mixing bowl and bread tin and Brittany is drying the mixing bowl and bread tin when her cell phone starts playing butterfly and Brittany said hi sayaka what wrong and sayaka said gai is in the hospital and father will explain it to you ok and Brittany said ok and I'll be there shortly ok and Brittany grabbed her cell phone and key and Brittany put the out to lunch sign in the window of her bakery and Brittany locked her bakery door and Brittany got in her jeep and Brittany drove to the hospital and and Brittany asked nurse yoko what room gai ogata and nurse yoko said his room is right over and brittany walked in to gai hospital room and Brittany said father what happened with the shiryu and Amon said gai cut his hand and the shriyu possessed your little sister and gai got in front of tatsumi and sayaka accidentally cut off gai arm. Brittany said ok and I'll stay with him ok and Brittany said hi gai and gai said hi Brittany and Brittany said I'm sorry about what happened to you and gai said Brittany it not your fault ok and Brittany said ok and you can stay in my room if you want to and gai said I like that and Brittany said gai can I tell you something and gai said Brittany do you want to tell me and Brittany said I'm in love with you and gai said I'm in love with you to Brittany and gai gently kissed Brittany on her lips and Brittany gentle pulled away from the kiss and Brittany said nurse yoko is gai able to go home and yoko said yes he can go back home and Brittany and gai walked out of the hospital and Brittany said gai do you want me to take you back home or do you want to stay with me at my bakery for a little while and gai said I'll stay at your bakery for a little while ok. Brittany and gai made it back to Brittany bakery and Brittany shut off her jeep and Brittany unlocked the door and took the out to lunch sign out of the window and Brittany is making oatmeal raisin cookies and Brittany put them in the display case and Brittany washed the mixing bowl and Brittany looked at the time and Brittany turned off the latte machine and coffee maker and Brittany turned off the oven and Brittany locked the back door and Brittany turned off the lights and Brittany grabbed her cell phone and key and Brittany said come on gai it time to go home and Brittany and gai walked out of the bakery and Brittany locked the door and Brittany helped gai get belted in to the Jeep and Brittany got in the driver's seat and Brittany is driving back home and Brittany is back home and Brittany shut off her jeep and Brittany helping gai unbelted himself and Brittany and gai walked in to the house and Brittany put on her sweatpants and tank top.  Brittany is making dinner and Brittany is done with making four cheese potatoes soup with bread and Brittany said gai and sayaka and father dinner is ready and Brittany and her family are eating dinner together and amon said Brittany sweetie this is delicious and Brittany said thank you Father and sayaka said let me help you clean up the kitchen and Brittany and sayaka are done with cleaning up the kitchen from dinner and Brittany said thank you little sister for help me clean up the kitchen and sayaka said your welcome big sister and Brittany walked into her room and Brittany put on her pj and Brittany brushed her teeth and Brittany brushed her hair and Brittany put her cell phone on her charger and Brittany climbed in to her bed and Brittany see gai walk into her room. Brittany said come on gai and gai climbed in to Brittany bed and Brittany kissed gai good night on his lips and Brittany wrapped her arms around gai waist and Brittany fall asleep with gai in her arms and Brittany is having peaceful dreams when she feels gai wake up and Brittany said gai what wrong and gai said your father turned the shiryu in to a arm for me and Brittany said that good and it will always protect you now ok and Brittany said let go back to sleep and Brittany and gai fall back to sleep.

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