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"I think you're meant for me."

I mean shit! I think I am too babe!

"You think so?" I ask smirking. "I do." Tom replies nodding his head. "Mm, how sure are you?" I tilt my head, suddenly Tom pulls my body in by my waist closer, he plants a kiss on my lips.

"This is how sure." He whispers against my lips, I could feel his gaze flicker between my eyes and my lips once more. His hot breath against my mouth just made me wanna kiss him again.

So that's what I did.

I push my face back onto Tom's I tilt my head slightly as his brows scrunch up, as he kisses me, he glides his tongue against my bottom lip, asking for entrance.

I grant it by propping open my mouth slightly, I bite his bottom lip gently. He interlocks his hands within my hair, just below my temple.

I pull away to catch my breath. "So who's the better kisser?" Tom smirks. "It felt the same." I shrug.

Tom gasps dramatically. "I literally kissed you a couple hours ago but you were just older, don't be acting like i'm comparing you to a different guy." I say.

"Can you go into the future and tell older me to shave off that beard." Tom says. "No, I like the beard shut up." I reply. "No! I look horrendous please!" Tom whines. I shake my head.

"You do know that, even so we could never be together right?" I nod towards Tom. "So, let's just enjoy this while we can. Can't hurt to have a little fun can it?" Tom says. "I suppose not.." I shrug.

It's not like we would fall in love or anything.

I mean hey, if no one at school would fuck me. Id just get Tom Kaulitz to, that would be the biggest flex of all time wouldn't it.

I mean I don't think he's opposed to it!

But not now, we have to wait.

Because, I don't want to seem like a virgin slut.

But hey, if the time comes. It'll cum.

"Don't tell Bill about this." Tom shakes his head, I didn't think I wanted to tell anyone about this either. Not until we knew what was actually going on.

"Do you think we should just keep it to ourselves?" I ask Tom. "For now, yes. It's for the best." Tom says.
"I agree." I nod, I think I should tell him about the theory that I had, I should be honest in this situation.

"I had a theory earlier, on how i'm getting sent to these different time periods but.. I don't think I was right." I explain. "Tell me what was your theory." Tom says.

"So I was thinking that it was whenever I said Tom Kaulitz-" I felt myself getting nauseous, this makes no fucking sense.

When I said it earlier nothing happened, why is it now.

I blink really fast, I suddenly feel wind surrounding me. I was on a bridge?

I start to walk around, I see at the end of the bridge. A young Tom overlooking the water. No.. Nono. NO!

"TOM!" I scream running towards him, the farther I ran the farther his figure got. "TOMM!" I scream at the top of my lungs. "DONT DO IT TOM!" I start running at full speed.

The faster I ran, the faster he seemed to disappear. Please! No! I shout, tears running down my eyes.

"DONT JUMP TOM PLEASE!" I sob, that's when I saw him finally look my way. I felt a glimpse of hope run through me. I start running in his direction.

Finally, his figure didn't move. He just stood there still watching me, I saw his tired face. It was swollen, he had seemed to have eye bags, due to not sleeping.

"Who are you!" Tom shouts, I run up to him holding his face as he looks down on me.


I don't know who this girl is, but for some reason I just had a gut feeling I should listen to her. I felt her warm hands cup my cheeks. "Tom please don't." She shakes her head crying.

"Lana..?" I tilt my head at her.

She suddenly looks up, her eyes widening. "You know my name?" She asks in shock. "I don't know.. You seem like a Lana." I shrug.

Who was this girl?

She wraps her arms tightly around my body, I don't know why but I felt my arms hug her back tightly as well. I was so drained, mentally and physically.

It was like she was the light from heaven, keeping me here. But I don't even know her.

"You promised Bill you wouldn't." She holds my face, I look into her glistening blue eyes. "How do you know all this." I ask.

"Because, you and I go farther then time itself." Lana says. "Why does it feel like I know you?" I reply confused. "You do know me." Lana nods her head.

"But how? I've never seen you before." I say, I didn't even notice I had my hands on her waist. Gripping tightly.

"We've met before, you just don't know it yet." Lana says, I stare at her as she talks. She truly was beautiful.

"Just promise me you won't do it Tom." Lana holds my cheeks. "I can't do that." I shake my head looking down. "If not for me, then for Bill." Lana says.

"For Bill?" I tilt my head. "For Bill." Lana nods. "Okay.." I reply hesitantly. She plants soft kiss on my lips. "Just don't jump okay." She hugs me tightly before whispering my full name.

"Tom Kaulitz." I heard her whisper

And just like that she was gone.

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