The Depths of Despair

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He sat in one of the many creaking wooden chairs, watching the Judge, who was reviewing the paperwork for this case. Once the handsome Judge looked up from the papers, he gulped, scared for the trial. This was only natural, seeing as he was the one being prosecuted.
Kai. He was a good guy, he made a good honest living with his lowly office job, he had a nice girlfriend, and was just an all around good guy. So when a S.W.A.T team was called to his office and told him to get onto the ground and surrender, he was petrified, not sure of what he did. He closed his eyes briefly, hoping this was all just a dream, but of course, one of the policemen grabbed his arms and cuffed him. He held back his tears as he felt his heart fall all the way to the ground. He was led away by his armed entourage, looking at the ground as if it was the only thing keeping him from sobbing.
Kai asked no questions, just followed obediently. All his coworkers stared after them in absolute horror, some even dropping the things they were holding, resulting in several broken mugs and papers strewn across the ground. They entered the elevator, silent. The man holding his wrists pressed the button from behind him, making Kai flinch. They stood there for a long while, and finally arrived at the first floor. They guided him outside of the building and into one of those black police vans that had Luminalia Police force written in large white writing on the side. They roughly sat him down in the back, and he could feel the jostling of the winding road.
Starlight Avenue was known for being bumpy and riddled with potholes, so it was no surprise when his head slammed hard into the side of the van, leaving him a bit dazed. "Ouch!" He yelped in pain, his voice breaking. The policemen sitting in the back mostly paid him no mind, except for one telling him not to be so loud. He nodded aggressively, silently promising to himself not to yell in pain no matter what happened.
Suddenly, the van came to a screeching stop, making him lunge forwards. Everyone looked around in confusion, and one of them slid open the darkened window to the front. Their eyes widened in horror as he quickly grabbed his radio. He said something quietly into it and grabbed his gun. He looked back towards the others. "They're dead!" He yelled, and Kai's eyes widened in sheer terror. Oh god... why? Why does this kind of stuff always happen to me? What did I do in my past life to deserve this?! He was panicking now, his breathing shallow. All the officers grabbed their weapons, loading them. Kai didn't know what to do in this situation, so he just froze. He looked at the floor of the van, and he didn't move a single muscle. The men got out of the dim van, leaving Kai alone inside.
Kai sat there for what seemed to be an eternity, when there was a loud bang outside, and a scream. Kai flinched noticeably, warranting a laugh from the unrecognizable stranger standing menacingly in front of him. Kai froze, staring petrified up at the person. "Well, well... so Kai? How have you been?" Kai recognized that voice. It couldn't be though... he died! "Y-you can't be! I-it's not possible! Y-you..." The person chuckled. "But it is me Kai. Finley."

A/N: Sorry! It's a bit of a short chapter, so I'll try to make the next one longer! I hope anyone who reads this will enjoy it, although I am just starting out...
             With love, Shrew Person. <3

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