the glided cage | ONE

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the morning sun bathed the grand victorian mansion in a warm, golden glow. dewdrops glistened on the meticulously manicured garden, and birds sang their joyous melodies. it was a picturesque scene, a tranquil oasis nestled in the heart of a bustling city.

nayeon stood on the mansion's front steps, her fingers tracing the intricate carvings of the ornate wooden door. the house had been her father's legacy, a testament to his success and grandeur. a war hero, he had left this imposing mansion behind when he'd made the ultimate sacrifice on the battlefield.

for years, nayeon had reveled in the splendor of this opulent home. she had danced in its grand ballroom, explored its hidden passages, and read countless books in its magnificent library. but today, as the sun's rays filtered through the leaded glass windows, a sense of restlessness gnawed at her.

her fingers tightened on the doorknob, her heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. the lightheartedness of the morning had given way to a heavy, suffocating feeling. nayeon's gaze drifted to a framed photograph of her father in uniform, hanging prominently in the foyer.

"why can't I leave?" she whispered to herself, her voice tinged with frustration. the mansion, once a symbol of comfort and security, now felt like a gilded cage. every room echoed with memories of her father, each corner a reminder of the life she could never escape.

nayeon took a deep breath, her gaze lingering on the open doorway. the world outside beckoned, promising adventure, freedom, and a chance to discover herself beyond these walls. but as her hand remained on the doorknob, uncertainty held her in its grip.
Nayeon closed her eyes, trying to shake off the feeling of being imprisoned in her own life. She had mourned her father's loss, shed her tears for him, but the shadow of his memory still loomed large. How could she leave behind the home he had cherished and bequeathed to her? It felt like an act of betrayal.

as the morning sun gave way to afternoon, nayeon retreated to the library, a room filled with rows of ancient leather-bound books and plush velvet armchairs. she sank into one of the chairs, her fingers grazing the pages of a book she'd read a dozen times before. the words blurred as her mind wandered, grappling with the conflicting emotions that held her captive.

the sound of a distant clock chiming the hour echoed through the mansion, a stark reminder of time passing. nayeon knew that the world outside held infinite possibilities, friendships waiting to be forged, dreams yearning to be pursued. yet here she remained, tethered to a past she couldn't let go of.

with a heavy sigh, she rose from her chair and approached a tall window that overlooked the garden. Beyond the ornate ironwork, she could see people bustling along the busy streets, living their lives freely, unburdened by the weight of her memories.

"why am I so afraid?" she whispered to the garden below, as if expecting the flowers to offer an answer. But they remained silent, swaying gently in the breeze.

in that moment, nayeon made a silent vow to herself. she would find a way to confront her fears, to step beyond the threshold of her father's house and into a world unknown. the journey ahead would be fraught with challenges, but she knew it was the only way to honor her father's memory and discover her true self.

nayeon's heart ached with the weight of her indecision. it wasn't just the memories of her father that held her back; it was the fear of the world beyond, the fear of her own inadequacy. she had grown up within these walls, shielded from the harsh realities of life, and the thought of stepping out into the unknown filled her with dread.

she often wondered if she was strong enough to face the challenges that awaited her. what if she failed? what if she couldn't measure up to her father's legacy? these doubts gnawed at her, chipping away at the resolve she had summoned.

in her mind's eye, she saw her father's proud smile as he told her stories of his adventures, of the battles he had fought, and the places he had seen. how could she ever live up to the hero he had been? the mansion offered solace, a cocoon where she could hide from these fears, but it also stifled her, denying her the chance to grow and define herself.

nayeon turned away from the door once more, her fingers trembling as they released the doorknob. she couldn't escape the feeling of being imprisoned by her own doubts, trapped in a cycle of longing and hesitation.

as the day stretched on, nayeon found herself retreating deeper into the mansion, seeking refuge in its familiar embrace. the lighthearted morning had given way to a somber afternoon, and the once-promising day now felt like a missed opportunity.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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