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This is the only word that can describe the Rathore women from generation to generation, especially the three daughters-in-law of this particular generation.

The eldest one, the Queen herself, is no less formidable than anyone.She mostly remains quiet, but when she speaks, nobody dares to answer back. Her authority is evident-if the King himself kneels before her, everyone else does too.

Her own father had to beg on his knees for her to accept the title of Crown Princess of Amarpur when she initially refused due to his past deeds.The depth of her hatred for her father is clear to all, a hatred that stems from a deep, unspoken wound.

Since the day she was married, she has never once returned to her father's home, not even for a short visit. Although the reason remains a mystery to many, it is apparent that she was profoundly hurt by something in her past.

Despite her reserved nature, she is deeply loved by all. She is the apple of everyone's eye, and the entire kingdom adores her.

Her head helper, Sampoorna, who has served her since her teenage years, entered the Shringar Bhavan to find the Queen sitting in her usual spot, staring at the raindrops falling into the small pond ahead of her.

"Looks like the Queen loves the rain very much," one of the maids remarked, not realizing that the Maharani despised the rain,"Her eyes sparkle when she looks at the rain drops,"

"Eyes are not readable,Vidya"Swatiksha uttered, her voice calm but firm.The statement startled the head maid, who feared the Queen might be angry.

"But they say eyes always speak the truth,it's the mirror to the soul,"The naive maid, Vidya, asked in confusion, unaware of the deeper meaning behind the Queen's words.

"Eyes cannot lie but can you really read it,You just assume,you never know,life is a facade and to protect ourselves,our eyes can lie too,"She explained patiently, teaching yet another lesson through her words, as was her way,"And do not mention Rain infront of me ever,I hate it to the very core!"Swatiksha turned her head away.

As the conversation between them unfolded, someone quietly made his way inside,signing them all to leave.

It was Shivansh, the King himself.

Sampoorna looked between them for a moment,before signalling everyone to hurry up and leave.

"Sarkar,Hope you know the direction of Study,"Swati said while removing all the jewellery as she had to leave for work.

Shivansh observed his wife quietly as she began removing her jewelry, each piece carefully placed on the table beside her,"I have forgotten all directions after looking at you,"He quietly murmured to himself,lost in her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24 ⏰

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