03. The Park That Held Memories

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The taller had surely planned everything to make the last day special for the both of them.

Jimin's lips stretched out into a big smile, his eyes almost disappearing as he looked around the familiar peaceful park.

"Jungkookie!" He excitedly called his name, turning around to look at him.

Oh! His Jungkook was on his knees.

"Be mine again," Jungkook whispered, his eyes lovingly staring the smaller as he held out two rings for the both of them to wear.

Jimin felt happy.... So happy. Just like the day when Jungkook had proposed to him. Tears of happiness and sadness, mixed together, ran down his cheeks.

No, we don't cry today.

He wiped away his tears immediately, smiling the brightest, "I would be glad to be yours... forever."

Jungkook giggled, standing up. He made Jimin wear one of the rings, "This is kind of a promise that we'll be together, even in our afterlife."

Jimin, too, made Jungkook wear the other ring, "I promise." Tip-toeing, he kissed the taller's lips, "You had everything planned for today, right?"

Jungkook laughed, "Of course. I wouldn't want to let this very day go to waste. I don't want to have any regrets afterward."

"Oh my lovely Jungkookie, you deserve all the love..."

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