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I wait patiently for Lana to come back, I wonder what era she's on this time.

I twiddle with my thumbs, just waiting for her. What if she never came back? No, she has to, we're meant for each other. In this dimension at least.

I suddenly saw her body appear back in my bed, I saw the dried up tears glistening off her face. "Lana what's wrong?!" I ask touching her face.

I could see her bottom lip quiver, she didn't answer. She just looked at me, her pupils shaking as she was on the edge of bursting tears.

I was taken aback by her body launching at me, attacking me in a hug. "Don't do that again." She shakes her head, digging it into my shoulder.

"Don't leave me Tom." She whispers, gripping onto my shirt. I had no idea what had happened, but I wasn't gonna ask until she was ready to tell me.

Even though I had just met Lana, she had known me for longer. You grow some type of connection with a celebrity that you've been admiring for a while, so I got that her connection with me might be deeper then mines with hers.

I pat down her hair, calming her down. "What happened Lana." I ask, holding her face. She truly did remind me of heaven itself.

"I traveled to a bridge, and it was you, you were there." Lana cries deeper into my shirt. "I tried to get to you, but I don't know if I did." She shakes her head.

"What if this was the reason I was sent here Tom, what if it was to save you. What if I failed." I hug her tightly kissing her temple. "It's okay, it'll be okay." I play with her hair, rubbing her back. Hopefully as some sort of comfort, I didn't know how to give it to her.

She saw me in that state, i'll never forgive myself for that.

I pull her face up, planting a gentle kiss on her lips. I think she was my soulmate, I truly believed that. I didn't care if I had a wife in whatever year, she was meant for me. Maybe I was moving too quick, but I knew she was mine.

"Don't cry because of me, i'll be okay. We need to figure out how this time traveling works though." I tell her, she starts to shake her head again.

"I think i've already figured it out." Lana says. "But I don't know how to control it." She follows up.

"What have you got so far?" I ask. "When I say your full name and i'm in front of you, or touching an object of yours i'll travel either to the future or the past. But when I just say your name and ur not there then nothing will happen." Lana explains.

"I also think if you were to say my full name, you'd be able to travel too." She says. "Should we try it?" I ask. "Too risky for a random night, we'll try some other time." Lana says.

"But also, if you travel in the future it might mess everything up. There's already a Tom Ka-" She stops herself before saying my name. "There's already a Tom in the future, same with the past. So I don't know how it'll work for you." Lana says.

"But when you traveled to 2009, you were born at that point. So what's the difference, also if that was the case then we wouldn't be able to bring your mom or Chloe." I reply. "I don't know all the logicals of it, but I guarantee you that if you travel to the future it's a bad idea." She states, unsure.

"We'll figure it out." I say, she nods. "I should get some sleep." Lana gets up off the bed. "No, stay." I grip her wrist pulling her back in the bed.

"Are you sure?" Lana asks unsure of herself. "I'm sure." I nod, she lays down in the bed, getting under the covers. I strip off my shirt laying back down.

"Is this okay?" I ask placing my hands on her waist, she scoots in closer, hugging me tightly. "Just don't leave." Lana says snuggling her head into my bare chest.

I take that as an answer and slowly start to drift off...



"I told you guys!" I hear Bill yell, I flutter my eyes open seeing all the guys staring over us. I poke Tom, trying to wake him up. "Tom." I whisper.

"Mm." Tom digs his head in my neck. "TOM!" I yell in his ear, he suddenly bolts back. Staring at all of us.

"Did we decide to have meetings in my room now or what?" Tom asks looking to all of them.

"What did you do with her yesterday?" Bill points to the both of us. "Nothing leave." Tom says, Bill stands his ground. Crossing his arms, squinting at Tom.

He was waiting for an answer.

Tom stands up hopping over my body, he places his fingertips on Bill's back pushing him out the room. "Ow, Tom. You're hurting me." Bill squirms.

"I deserve privacy too!" Tom yells pushing all of them out shutting his door. "So much for not telling them the truth." I sigh.

"They all love gossiping, they would've found out one way or another." Tom shrugs, laying back in bed.

That's when my gaze flew to his abs MY EYES DIDN'T MEAN TO GO THERE THEY JUST DID.

"Eyes up here Heaven." Tom smiles, new nickname?

"What does Heaven have anything to do with Lana?" I cross my arms. "You'll figure it out soon." Tom says. "Just tell me now." I turn my head to him.

"What's the fun in that Heaven?"

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