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"Can I please go say hi to 2009 Tom." I interlock my fingers begging. "Are you trying to cheat on me?" Tom asks. "It's literally you, but in two years!" I defend myself. "No." Tom shakes his head.

"Why not!" I whine. "Because, you should be happy enough with dread-headed me, plus that guy has a big forehead." Tom says.

"You're so unfair Tom." I sigh. I wanted to kiss braids Tom again, he's so hot. "OKAYY, what if.. You give me a message to give to him." I smile brightly.

"Yeah, in the message i'll say don't kiss my girlfriend." Tom glares, oh yeah, im his girlfriend now.

Everyone still thinks we're meant to be, I didn't believe too much in that type of stuff but I was starting to believe it. More and more everyday, Tom's mindset was starting to turn into Bill's.

The 'Love at first sight' Cliche.

I didn't believe in it, based on interviews I didn't think Tom did either but I guess he did.

For some reason, the portal between the worlds wasn't working recently. That's what I had been calling it. I had been trying to gain control over this but I still can't put my finger over what it really was.

I wasn't able to go anytime before 2006 or anytime after 2018, meaning I wouldn't be able to see my Mom or Chloe. I miss them so much, I don't know what's happened to them.

I'll figure out a way to get there, I have to.

But, at this point I don't think I could leave Tom either.

What if.. I try to take him there? I'm scared of the risks though, how could 17 year old him and 34 year old him exist in the same year. It would ruin everything, for sure. I didn't know how I was the exception but..

"If you were able to time travel to stop me from committing, do you think you'd be able to go to stop me from getting married?" Tom asks, I suddenly widen my eyes. "Wait.. You might be onto something." I say.

"But, it would change the current Tom's life drastically." I follow up, it wouldn't work. "I don't think it works like that." I shake my head.

"Then what do we do Heaven?" Tom asks.

"Honestly, no idea." I sigh. "All that I know beyond this point is I want to be with you Heaven." Tom squeezes my hand smiling.

"You still haven't told me why you call me Heaven." I still wondered why he called me that. "Promise you won't say it's corny." Tom laughs.

"I promise." I nod. "When I was preforming at the concert, I saw you and the first thing that popped up in my head was an angel sent from heaven." Tom looks away, his face all red.

God, he was so fucking cute when he got shy.

I pout happily. "That's sweet!" I pinch his cheeks jokingly, Tom glares at me.

I let go of his cheeks lightly patting them. "It's not, cute it's weird but it suits you." Tom smiles.

"So why not just call me Angel instead of Heaven then?" I ask. "Because, Heaven suits you more. Angel makes it sound like you're dead." Tom explains.

"When good people die they go to heaven so, either way both names equal death." I snicker. "It makes sense to me, so it has to make sense to you okay?" Tom nods his head, I nod my head back at him.

Tom smiles, giving me a kiss. "Oh my god fucking stop it, we get it. You're 'Meant for each other' Stop face fucking every two seconds." Gustav walks into the living room, mocking us.

"Do you always have to be a cockblocker." Tom rolls his eyes at him. "It's not cockblocking if there was no cock to block in the first place." Gustav remarks

"Fine then tongue blocking!" Tom yells, Gustav rolls his eyes grabbing a water from the fridge then going back upstairs.

"Tryna tell me there's no cock to block, I have a cock and I can pull it out right now if I wanted to!" Tom crosses his arms annoyed.

"It's okay, calm down." I rub his shoulder. "Can you go to 1988 and vanish Gustav from being born." Tom asks. "Woah! That's a little far bud." I reply.

"Maybe without him my body count would be higher." Tom shrugs. "I think it's already high enough, you're good." I pat his back smiling.

"Lana, would you fuck me?" Tom asks, I tilt my head at him. "That's a conversation for another time Tom." I smile. "No it's just like yes or no would you?" He asks.

"I mean, yeah." I shrug. "Okay that's all I wanted to know." Tom says getting up, where was he going?

I run up the stairs after him, I see him rummaging through a drawer for something. I don't know what.

I see him throw a bunch of stuff around his room trying to find his item. There was socks, condoms, random pairs of pants. All types of shit, but I don't know what he was looking for still.

"Where is it!" He yells aggravated. "Where's what?" I ask leaning against the doorway. Tom jumps up turning around "AH! When did you get here!" He puts his hand on his heart, startled by me.

"I've been here ever since you came up." I say.

"Oh, well. I was looking for something.." Tom says. "What we're you looking for?" I question him. "Um, nothing don't worry about it." Tom shakes his head.

Oh what was he hiding?

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