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I woke up, and the first thing I noticed was that I was laying inside jisungs embrace.

He was still sleeping, his arms wrapped around me and his head resting on mine, while I had my head buried in his neck.

I hugged him tight.

He was so warm and I felt safe with him.

I can't tell this about anyone else.

I looked at him, he was sleeping so peacefully, and he looked so adorable.

I gently kissed his lips.

He woke up, and he smiled at me.

"Good morning, beautiful." I said

"Good morning, handsome." He said and he sat up

I also sat up and I took his hand.

"What do yo want to do today?"

"Well, we kind of have to go to school?" Jisung said

"Shit I forgot it's Wednesday."

"agh cmon, let's go downstairs and wake Ari up."
jisung said and got off the bed.

I took his hand and I pushed him back. He fell on my lap with a silent gasp.

I wrapped my hands around his waist and I laid my head on his shoulders.

"Let's stay like this for a while."

He just sighed and leaned onto me.
We sat like this for a few minutes, and I felt like I could stay like this forever.

Well, jisung suddenly stood up.

"We will be late if we don't start getting ready now, so let's go." he said and went to Ari's room to wake her up.

With a whine, I got up and went to the kitchen. I took the cereal box and prepared three spoons and bowls.

Few seconds later, I heard Ari walking down the stairs.

"Good morning hyung." She said tiredly

"Good morning. Come eat."

She sat down and poured herself some cereal with milk.

A minute later, jisung came downstairs already dressed and also poured himself some cereal. It wasn't a lot, but it was enough so that he wouldn't pass out.

We went to the kindergarten first and then we walked to school together, holding hands.


we walked to our classroom, and me and Minho glanced at each other from time to time.

"Are you two fucking or something?" taehyung asked me


"You think that I didn't notice how you look at him?"

"Uhm well, we're......kind of dating.."

"Wait what-?"

"Be quiet stupid bitch."

I was worried that someone else heard him or me.

Don't get me wrong, I would love people to know that we're dating, but I don't think hes really comfortable with it.

Well, I can't really be sure, but I also can't just go and spread around the school that im dating lee minho.

I want him to feel comfortable, not stressed.

When the school ended, I met with Minho and we walked to the kindergarten.

I was free today, since the cafe was closed for few days.

When we picked Ari up, we walked to our house and went straight to Ari's room.

Minho told me that she was worried that he won't care about her anymore, and I want to make sure she knows that she's still important for me and Minho.

We immediately started our tea party.

"I have some new tea I want to spill." She said

"Spill." I said.

I was sitting on Minhos lap and she was sitting across from us.

"Well, I told that guy I like that I like him."

I almost jumped from Minhos lap, but I didn't.

"Oh my god, how did it go?" Minho asked

"He said that he doesn't like me back."

"Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry." I said and I went to hug her

"I'm fine, thanks for the advice. I can have new crush pretty soon."

"Don't rush it tho." Minho said

"Don't worry."

After the tea party, we ordered some chicken wings and we ate the dinner.

Our life was perfect.

It was late, and Minho and me went to put Ari to sleep. She fell asleep really quickly and we went to my room.

We laid down and we cuddled for a while.



"Can I be honest with you?"

"Of course, what's on your mind?"

"I just want to thank you."

"Thank me? For what?"

"Well.....when I got out of my bad relationship, it destroyed me a lot. I didn't believe in love, and I thought that love is violent and it means nothing. I was really broken, and when you showed up, my entire life lit up. You saw me as a human, not some heartless monster. You were the only one who could make me laugh, and who made me feel better. I absolutely love you, and I adore Ari, and I love us. I love our little family we have. I love taking care of her, and I love seeing you every day and cuddle you, because that's what I want to do all day.
You made me believe in true love.
You saved me, Han jisung."

I felt my heart melt.

All this boy needed was someone who understands him, and someone who loves him.

I gave him a gentle kiss and I pulled him into a hug, kissing his head.

Only if he knew how much he means to me.

"I want to stay with you forever, jisung."

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