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"Do you think that Chloe and my mom are doing good." I ask, all of us were sitting on the couch. We had previously been watching a movie.

"I'm sure they're doing okay." Tom rubs my thigh reassuringly, but how could you be sure? My mom can't pay rent without my half of the paycheck.

What if they were homeless right now?

"I have a feeling they aren't okay, how would they be if they aren't able to pay rent?" I say. "We'll help, however we can." Tom smiles.

"I just need to figure out a way I can control it, that way I can flip back and fourth between this world and my actual world." I explain.

"Why don't we try shifting together Lana, I think I could help you out in your world. You've already saved mine, it's time for me to save yours." Tom smiles.

Everyone looks to us confused, they didn't know what happened that night.

"AH!" I hear a familiar voice say from across the living room, I see Chloe sitting on the countertop holding a microphone. "Chloe?!" I jump off the couch running up to her.

"Lana!" She jumps off the counter pulling me into a hug, I felt her slowly pull away staring at all the guys. "Laney, what's going on." She asks, looking at the young band members.

"I'll explain that later, but how did you get here?! I've been trying to find you for so long!" I smile, rubbing her shoulders. "I don't know.. I was at the thrift shop you know the one we always go to.." Chloe says.

"And then I saw this microphone, with a Tokio Hotel sticker, so then I thought of Bill. Because I know you really like their band, so I said Bill Kau-" I cover her mouth quickly.

"Don't say his full name unless you want to switch timelines." I tell Chloe, lifting my hand off her mouth. "Okay but why are we here, what's going on Lana?" Chloe tilts her head at me.

I wave her over to the couch to come sit down.

"Hi, i'm Chloe." She smiles waving to the guys. "I'm Tom, that's Bill, and that's Gustav and Georg." Tom points to all of them. "Trust me I know." Chloe nods.

"Does Lana be speaking about us?!" Tom dramatically gasps covering his mouth. "Yeah, something about some daddy shi-" I cover her mouth glaring at her.

No one, needed to know that.


I mean, did I call Tom my daddy on several occasions? Yes. But that was before I knew him okay!

"That's why you said Bill was attractive last month." I point to Bill, Chloe nudges my arm, pinching it. "Ow bitch!" I yell pinching her back.

"Wow, you guys are just like Tom and Bill." Georg laughs, the twins both glare at him.

"I'm just saying the truth! If you're gonna call your celebrity crush something you might as well be comfortable with them hearing it as well!" Chloe says.

"Some things don't need to be heard!" I yell. "If you aren't comfortable saying it in public then don't say it in private." Chloe responds.

"She's got a point." Bill agrees.

"Oh shut up, I know you think you've found your little soulmate cause now she's a time traveler too, FOR YOU. But she's just a loud mouth!" I yell pointing at Chloe. I could see Bill's face get red as I talked about them being soulmates.

"And no! You can't even talk back because you made me this uncomfortable the first night I met Tom and now look where we are." I say getting closer to Tom.

"Kiss me." I whisper. "Why?" Tom asks. "Oh my god it's for the fucking dramatic scene just do it!" I whisper yell, through my teeth.

I turn my head towards Tom, he gives me a kiss and I turn my head back to Chloe who is jaw dropped. "Yeah, I see that look on your face." I point at her.

"You and Tom? Dating?" She moves her finger between the two of us. "Yeah, my purpose for being here was to save Tom. I don't know what your purpose for Bill is though." I respond.

"I'm still so fucking confused, explain this further to me please." Chloe shakes her head, I sigh knowing i'd have to explain this for maybe the fifth time now.


"And yeah, that's basically it." I nod slowly. "So you and Tom are meant for each other?" Chloe asks. "Um yeah basically." I nod once again.

"What about lover boys wife." Chloe says. "That part we do not know and we are choosing to ignore that." Tom says, causing me to slightly chuckle lowly.

"How's mom by the way?" I ask Chloe, she glances up to me, her eyes turning soft. She bites her bottom lip guilty shaking her head.

"What happened to mom Chloe." I say sternly. "She got in a car accident last week." Chloe sniffles.

"What..?" I say, tears filling up in my eyes. "Is she gonna be okay? Is she alive?" I ask. Chloe looks up her lip trembling, shaking her head no.

I could feel my voice start to shake, I clear my throat before getting up off the couch. "I need a nap." I swallow the lump in my throat, if I had said more I would've burst out crying.

I sniffle running up to Tom's room, I strip free of my clothes leaving me in my undergarments as I lay down on bed.

I could hear footsteps coming up the stairs, I quickly pretend to be asleep covering my face with the blanket.

I heard a couple knocks on the door. "Heaven.. I know you're not asleep." Tom says coming in, he closes the door gently climbing into bed with me.

I look down at my thumbs, playing with them as I mask out my tears, I felt Tom's hand lift my chin up.

"Talk to me Lana, i'm here for you." Tom smiles weakly "Can you just lay with me." I ask looking up at Tom.

"Sure." Tom smiles getting under the covers, I see his eyes slightly widen. I had big tits, I know I did.

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