Meet Command Sergeant Major Reaper~

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Name: Nichole "Reaper" Lockhart
Height: 5'2
Weight: 162lbs
Accent: No accent until you piss her off, then Australian accent appears.

Team: Last Survivor of Task Force 223, Current Member of Task Force 141

Sexuality: Bisexual, yet doesn't date females due to past

Eye color: Emerald Green

Hair: Jet Black

Hair Style: Straight, when down stops at upper back, always wears it up in a ponytail or bun

Face Details: Head shape is heart, eye shape is upturned slight almond shaped, the lower half of her face is always hidden by a half face mask (Mask covers middle of nose, cheekbones, cheeks, jawline and stops just before the neck starts //Winter soldier mask yet black that looks like a skull jaw\\) beneath her mask her jawline is has white scars that scatter along it, a white scar across her lip horizontally, an 'X' shaped scar on her right cheek, a scar underneath her chin, and small scar on the bridge of her nose. She always has a resting bitch face, looks unapproachable, her green eyes hold no emotion, just coldness, her skin color is classified as Ivory.

Body shape: Hourglass figure, yet has thick thighs (they save lives I hear💅🏻), she has curves, white stretch marks on her stomach. Before she joined the military she was more plus sized, all she does now is workout and eat healthy (At times)

Love Languages: Quality time and sometimes physical touch, she absolutely hates being touched without permission, due to trauma, but if she's close to you. She is clingy asf.

Speciality: She's good in hand to hand combat, quick and agile. She took down a 7'6 man before, she predicts movements of her enemies. If she's in close combat she fights with a knife (Think Winter Soldier fight)

Guns: Oh my god, she is a Deadshot, with TF223, she was DeadShot Reaper. She never misses a shot, she only uses a Sniper not just any her matte black custom M110 Semi Automatic Sniper System, a gift from her old captain. She's able to use one bullet on multiple enemies, always hits her targets, either head shots or straight through the heart.

Personality: Her personality is Cold and Guarded, she has stoicism. Her tone sounds like she's threatening you or that she just despises your mere existence. The coldness in her personality is detachment from emotions, she was always told if you show emotion, you'll get yourself killed, so she keeps them locked away in a big metal vault that is trapped in a room of lasers in her mind (not even joking), she will occasionally raise a brow in a 'You're fucking serious' way, or furrow her brows, yet her eyes stay cold and devoid of any emotions

Backstory: Oh My God.. Trauma baby-

When Nichole was about 10, she was constantly abused by her family, besides her mom. Her father who was a heavy drinker would look at her and take her to town and leave her in the middle of town and force her to walk home, which resorted to her being grabbed and r-ped, by the time she'd return home her mother would be sitting on the porch with stuff to clean her up. Around the age of sixteen, she befriended a Senior in Highschool, who was leaving for the military. Her friend gave her the idea to join and escape the clutches of her father. When Nichole turned seventeen, she enlisted into the american military, due to her skill she was transferred back to the Australian Defense Force, when she was a Private First Class she was recruited to Task Force 223 and was deemed the Sunshine of the group. Until, TF223 was out on a mission and she was grabbed by the enemies, she found herself tied to a chair, in a dark room. Her left forearm was confined to the arm of the chair by Barbed Wire, her face gained the cuts and bruises, the enemies needed intel but even as a private she stayed silent, for six months she was tortured for intel, she finally gained the strength to stand and slam the chair she was bound into the wall, even with her left arm out of commission due to the barbed wire tightly securing it to the arm rest, she used the leg of the chair as a weapon and escaped. TF223 found her killing the last enemy with the leg of the chair in front of a burning building, her commander said 'Damn sunshine, you look like the Grim Reaper taking souls' which gained her the nickname Reaper. Afterwards, the team was flanked and she carried six of the men to the evacuation spot, and her commander looked at her and handed her a black cloth, and she hid her face. The last words from her commander was 'you'll make a hell of a commander, I'm glad I was able to meet you Reaper. Now go reap their souls, make 223 proud'. At the age of nineteen, she went home for medical leave, her father was drunk and her mother was cowered in a corner. She walked in with bandages around her left forearm, the blank look on her face, the lower half of her face hidden to the world. She drug her father, kicking and screaming out the house and threatened if he'd ever return it wouldn't be pretty. By the time she was twenty, she served in the ADF (Australian Defense Force), constantly getting better with her shots. When she was twenty-three, she was already kissing distance of being a Command Sergeant Major, she was introduced to Captain John Price. Let's just say their meeting, was just her giving the cold, emotionless look and Price talking. She eventually said 'Don't ask me to show emotion, don't ask me to remove my mask, and do not ask me to play nice' Price had agreed to her terms and conditions, allowing her to join TF141. The Captain of her current squad ranked her up before she left her squad, She was a Command Sergeant Major when she turned twenty four. The first six months of her time at TF141 she didn't talk to anyone, unless it was during a mission or meeting, she didn't know who to trust. Whenever the mission would happen she found herself talking to her Lieutenant, Ghost. Finding out she was like him in away, She became closer to him, one year after she joined she slowly became more comfortable with her team.

Friends (Closest to Eh) //There will be another OC\\~

Ghost (Only because she felt comfortable enough to speak to him)

Frost(OC)- She didn't like him at first, due to who his brother is, but eventually learned he was the opposite of his brother, and actually was sent on a mission with him, and found out dude was actually funny, and protective asf to people

Soap- she likes his stupid military jokes or when he cusses in Scottish

Gaz- She doesn't really talk to him, but when she does he tries to make her laugh

Price- I mean he's her captain, so she mainly talks to him about missions and her snipers nests, one time she actually silently sat in his office while he made her tea. She sorta looks to him as a father.

Laswell- She doesn't know how to feel about her, yet a piece of her gives off protective momma vibes.

General Shepherd- She absolutely hates this man, sees right through his bullshit.

Graves- She despises him, but loves to argue with him. Just so she can see Frost (his brother) grab him by the neck and hear him make a stupidly funny screech.

Farah- she doesn't really talk to her much, just a slight wave

Alex- Same as Farah doesn't talk to him.

König- Doesn't really know him due to KorTac being another team, when he's around TF141 she just slips and stands with Ghost and Frost, König even being the social anxiety type, still tries to intimidate her, until one day Frost over heard König trying to yell at her and use his height as a scare tactic, all she did was smirk beneath her mask and Frost stood in front of her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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