Chapter 1~The train ride home

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It's my fifth year at Hogwarts but something about this year was different, ever since me and Harry had seen he who shall not be named come back and the fact that I watched Cedric Digory die, it felt weird coming back to the place that I had calle...

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It's my fifth year at Hogwarts but something about this year was different, ever since me and Harry had seen he who shall not be named come back and the fact that I watched Cedric Digory die, it felt weird coming back to the place that I had called home since I was eleven years old.

It was weird waiting to board the train with all these familiar faces but the thing is I didn't know a single one of them even if I was the only psychic student at the school and yet I could read every one's mind but I hated too it felt like I was invading their privacy which just felt wrong.

Even if I didn't like to read peoples mind some times I couldn't help it, but there were two minds I could  never understood no matter what even if I purposely tried to read them since they were so alike it confused me and gave me headaches and that was Mattheo Riddle and Harry Potter their minds are both as broken as each others and as fed up of everything as each others but the strange thing was I could read Mattheos twin sister Cassandra's mind.

I was lost in a trance as Cassie my best friend was busy loading our luggage onto the train. Ever since the incident last year she has treated me differently always checking if I was okay writing me letters every day over the summer it was like she was stepping on egg shells around me.

But she wasn't the only one my older brother Jacob was also being super weird with me we use to joke around and that and he was a little more violent with me but now. Now he treated me like whole different person and I hated it.

I was to busy thinking of last years incident it always happened to replay in my head whenever it could but that was when I saw Harry, Ron and Hermione enter the train station I was close to them, I mean I had helped them a lot over the past couple of years. And Harry was my cousin so I was guaranteed to be close to him.

As I looked over to Harry trying to read his thoughts for one last time before we got to school.

But this time all I saw something it was just plain darkness but then it happened I saw him I saw the one who shall not be named I saw Voldemort again.

I fell to the floor when I saw him not only did I see Voldemort but I felt him and I felt Harry's pain, it was too overwhelming for me to handle.

To see the person who had gave me nightmares for months just by one encounter.

Mattheo somehow noticed me falling to the floor and rushed over to me since Cassie was too busy loading our luggage onto the train.

Mattheo rushed to me dropping onto his knees to see if I was alright he had never done this before.

I truly believed he hated me and since I couldn't read his mind to check if he did or didn't because his mind gave me a headaches when I tried too so I just assumed he did hate me because of the way he has been treating me over the years.

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