Chapter 1

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This is a story about a 15 year old girl named Lexie who suffers from asthma and ha a mother who abuses her and doesn't care about her she also has 3 younger sisters Abigail, Lily and Ava. One day Lexie's mother Lucy came to her school and pulled her out of class Lexie's mother told her to go to the car. when Lexie reached the car she saw her little sister's Lily, Abigail and Ava in the car as well. Finally their mom Lucy came to the car.

''What's going on mommy,'' asked Ava.

''Well girls I'm leaving your father and he told me to take you with me so were moving to South Carolina,'' answered Lucy.

''Why I will miss dad and he will miss us,'' said Lexie.

''I just told you he told me to take you guys with me so shut up he won't miss you at all,'' yelled Lucy.

After that Lexie shout her mouth put in her headphones and listened to her music so loud meanwhile she was thinking of  her father and thinking of how everyone at her old school was gonna miss her but from young she has never have a say in anything not even about what type of pad she wants. Finally they arrived at the house they were gonna be staying everyone was so excited except Lexie. The house they were gonna be living in looked so pretty and had a lot of rooms Lexie actually thought she would get the best room in the house. When they came inside the house Lucy said.

''Ok girls choose your rooms,'' said Lucy.

All of them went to pick out their rooms as soon as Lexie was about to Lucy stopped her.

''Not you follow me I'll show you to your room,'' said Lucy.

Lexie followed her mother way to the basement.

''This will be your room and make sure you make dinner and wake up early to make breakfast,'' repiled her mother.

Lucy left Lexie their standing and she just couldn't believe her mother was treating her so bad she was mad and sad at the same time. Then she looked around the basement it was very dusty and had a lot of old furniture in their but she didn't complain after all she has no say in anything. After Lexie went to get cleaning supplies from the closet and started cleaning her new room after she was finish she was very tired but the room looked really spotless. When she was finished she quickly grabbed her phone to call her bestie.


"Where the hell are you Lexie you just left in the middle of class,'' said sasha.

"Well my mom moved me and my sister's to South Carolina and basically now my room is a basement but it's quiet down here so I don't really mind, ''answered Lexie.

"What have I told you Lexie you really have to start standing up for yourself and stop making your mom control everything you do or get,'' said Sasha angrily.

"She's my mom Sasha I have to do what she tells me to do,'' repiled Lexie.

"Lexie come and clean the kitchen!'' Yelled Lucy.

"I'm coming mom sorry got to go bye! ''Yelled and whispered Lexie.

"Bye I will miss you,'' said Sasha.

" Will miss you too,'' said Lexie.

Call Ends................

Lexie walks upstairs and went into the kitchen and started to clean up the kitchen after a while of cleaning the kitchen looked spick and spand. After that the movers arrived with all their stuff and started putting it in the house after some time everything was already unpacked. It was finally night Lexie ordered pizza because her mom had told she had to go grocery shopping the next day everyone ate pizza and went to sleep. Lexie couldn't sleep so she got up and put on her joggers and went outside to run  she listened to music while she was running as she was about to go home she accidentally lost her way but she saw party going on and decided to ask someone there for help. She was trying to ask someone everyone would just ignore her then a popular boy named chad came and talk to her.

"Hey what's up you new, ''asked chad.

"Yes I'm new to town would you shoe me where king street is,'' repiled Lexie.

"Yeah I'll show you follow me," answered Chad.

Lexie followed Chad and she end up finding back her house.

"Thanks for helping me sorry what's your name,'' asked Lexie.

"My names Chad how about you,'' repiled Chad.

"Well my names Lexie also nice to meet you thanks for your help,'' said Lexie.

"Well nice to meet you as well also that's a beautiful name,'' answered Chad.

Chad left her and Lexie went inside her house as she came in the house her mother grounded her for 1 week. After Lexie stormed off to her room and went to sleep she was even thinking about Chad and how kind he was.

Read next chapter to find out what happen's next..................

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2023 ⏰

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