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Tom tucks himself into bed getting under the covers, I had noticed him peeking at my body a bit. Which honestly I didn't really mind.

I stare at Tom, my hands under the right side of my cheek as I admire his features. He truly was so beautiful, I could see his face getting redder as he stared at me.

Tom's gaze flew to my cleavage, every so often. "You can touch them if you want." I laugh, I could hear Tom gulp slightly. Can't believe all these interviews portray him out to be bold.

But when it really came down to it, he was most definitely not bold and in fact very vulnerable and shy.

Okay someone needs to hurry this up, cause..

"So are you just gonna stare at me, or do I have to do everything myself?" I question Tom. "I'm fine with just staring-" Tom laughs awkwardly.

I take his hand placing it on my boobs, he just sits there frozen. "You can squeeze." I nod, laughing.

He pulls me in closer, kissing me roughly, but gently. It was slow but it was also really enjoyable. I get on top of his lap, taking his hands and placing them on my tits.

Tom slips his tongue into my mouth, I moan lowly against his lips as I felt his hands outline the lace of my bra. Slipping under them, he outlines my nipples.


I could see Lana, she wanted this but she was still nervous. Understandable.

Ive never had sex with a virgin, which is why I haven't made any moves. It felt like I could break her in an instant which wasn't true.

If she wanted it, i'll give it to her but.. I don't think she's ready just yet, you can tell these things by her body language.

I place her gently on the bed hovering over her. "Are you sure Lana." I say, clearly. Making sure to get the okay. She nodded her head eagerly, stating she wanted it, but whenever i'd do anything to actually escalate it her hands would go into tiny little fists.

She was scared, but she didn't want to show it.

I didn't mind waiting, for her id wait as long as she wanted me to. Even if that meant going sexless for a really long time.

She was my soulmate, after all.

I saw her scrunch up her brows, her breathing getting super heavy. I fix her bra straps, covering her up before laying down next to her.

Suddenly her eyes bolt open, she looks to me. "What's wrong?" She asks. "You're not ready." I shake my head.

"What do you mean." Lana turns her body towards me. I open her fists, showing the indents of her nails into her hand. I kiss her palms gently.

"We don't have to have sex Lana, that's not what this is about." I shake my head, it was still too early for her. For me personally, I would've fucked her the first day I met her. But I was going to go at her pace.

Whenever she actually wanted it, i'll give it.

"I thought I was ready, i'm so-" I put my index finger on her lips, cutting her off. I shake my head as she looks at me confused.

I knew the real reason for this was because she was trying to drain out the memory of her mother, but it wasn't going to work. I saw through her.

I pull her body down lower, laying her on my chest. I move her hair down, so it wouldn't be in my face. I massage her head gently through her hair, she looks up to me. "Why are you so good to me Tom, i've only known you for a little over a week." Lana asks.

"Because you're my soulmate." I whisper in her ears, she turns to me smiling. "You believe in that?" She lays on top of me, placing her hands under her chin as she looks up to me. "For you, yes I do." I nod.

"What if, I just stay here. In this generation." Lana says. "Did you think I was gonna let you leave?" I smirk. Lana places her hands on my cheek, lifting herself up slightly, giving me a gentle kiss.

"I don't know if it's too soon to be saying this but, I think I love you Tom." She says against my lips, Lana kisses me again, after finishing her sentence.

"I think I love you too Heaven." I kiss her back, I could hear her low giggles. "I've never had a boyfriend, certainly not one who loooves me." She drags out the 'O' As she giggles.

"I've never had a girlfriend either, certainly not one who loooves me either." I mock her words.

Lana suddenly looks up to me shocked. "You've never had a girlfriend?" She asks. "Never not once." I shake my head. "Aw, so i'm your first in a way too." She pouts happily. "I guess so!" I smile.

"You know, I never thought i'd be laying here in bed with you. Especially in 2006." Lana says. "I never thought i'd say I love you to a girl i've only known for a week." I reply.

I spread my arm out, Lana moves off my body laying her head on my arm. I curl it slightly, bringing her head in closer.

"Yeah, but i'm your Heaven right?" Lana giggles.

"Right." I give her a kiss.

A/N- someone give me a boyfriend like this.

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