Chapter 2~The altercation

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Cassie and Aurora walked into the great hall as always, they looked a bit bummed out since they were all in different houses meaning they couldn't sit with each other tonight, but I'm pretty sure they were used to it since this is what happened ev...

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Cassie and Aurora walked into the great hall as always, they looked a bit bummed out since they were all in different houses meaning they couldn't sit with each other tonight, but I'm pretty sure they were used to it since this is what happened every year and every year they agreed to meet the next day just before breakfast to sit with each other and us boys meaning me, Theo, Enzo, Draco, and Blaise.

So Aurora went and sat with Ron, Hermione and Harry, and Cassie came and sat next to Blaise.

I was already sitting in between Theo and Enzo as Draco and Blaise sat across from me and now Cassie.

They were talking about some stupid prank to play on the first years as we did this every year and Cassie hated these kinds of conversations especially since she hated when we played pranks on the first years.

Midway through our conversation Dumbledore stood and started to give a speech as he did every year but I wasn't focused on that all I was to focused on was Aurora and what she saw at the platform.

It must have been something bad if it made her break down like that.

I couldn't stop staring at her as much as I didn't want to it was like I was drawn to her when suddenly she started to look around until her eyes caught mine.

She wasn't looking away and neither was I.

She broke our eye contact first by looking away but I never stopped looking at her not once.

Until I looked back across to wear Dumbledore was and now saw a small lady dressed in all pink the kind of pink that hurt your eyes when you look at it for to long.

Just by looking at her I instantly knew this meant trouble.


After everyone had eaten we were ordered to go back to our dorms and go to sleep to be ready for our first day back.

As everyone was making their way outside I grabbed Auroras wrist and pulled her away from the crowd of people.

she looked up to me a bit confused, but I didn't care I just kept dragging her away we finally reached a small broom cabinet to which I pulled her inside of locking the door and placing a silencing charm on the door so no one outside could her us.

"Let me out Mattheo!" Aurora shouted at me but I looked her dead in the eyes and simply said "no" "yes you let me out this instant!" Aurora replied still trying to keep her cool.

"not until you tell me what you saw" I said to her "I don't know what you talking about" Aurora replied thinking she was being smart but she wasn't.

"Well then I guess you're not going anywhere until you do" I said with a grin plastered across my face. "FINE... I saw him okay!" Aurora answered "WHO IS HIM?" I yelled at her out of frustration "VOLDEMORT" Aurora yells back as my face dropped "I saw Voldemort" Aurora says with a tear rolling down her cheek.

I was stunned she saw my farther I just kept looking at her until my instinct kicked in and I wiped the tear from her cheek and pulled her in for a hug.

Aurora was a bit surprised by this but she still hugged me back "it's okay Rory" I exclaimed as she cried into my shoulder.

Aurora was the first to pull away from the hug "right then now that I've told you what I saw I would like to go now!" Aurora tells me in a stern voice.

I remove the spell on the door and unlock it letting Aurora leave but not without following her to ask her a bunch of questions.

Like "where he is?" Or "how he looked?" I could tell Aurora didn't want to answer the question but she felt bad for me at the same time.

But one of my question rang in her mind "does Cassie know?"

She didn't know what to do I could tell she wanted to tell Cassie but didn't know how.

Yes Aurora sympathies with me and Cassie so she told me "tomorrow meet me at the astronomy tower after dark" I instantly agreed not only because I wanted to know more about my mother and farther but because I wanted to know more about her.

"And what about Cassie" I ask "I'll tell her tomorrow at breakfast" she says while walking back to her dorm not allowing me to reply.

I made my way down the hall towards the Slytherin common room still wondering how she saw my dad.

It could've been flashback of when she saw him at that so called grave yard Harry told everyone that's where they were when Cedric died.


It couldn't have been a flashback because if it was a  flashback she wouldn't have been so scared.

Would she have?.

I continued to question myself until I saw Enzo sitting on the couch looking at me. I had always had a so called 'soft spot' for Enzo I don't know why I knew he could fight in-fact he was really good at fighting but some morons thinks it's a good idea to gang up on him, leaving it to normally around 5 to 1 and even though Enzo can stick for himself that is just a very unfair fight. Leaving me and Theo to get involved.

"Alright Enzo?" I asked he was just starting into the fire like something was on his mind. "I urm need to tell you something and you can't freak out okay?" He mutters to me.

I sat down next to him intrigued by what he has to tell me but he stayed silent like he was deciding if he should tell me or not.

"Spit it out then" I urged to him as he took a deep breath and finally spoke "me and your sister have been seeing each other and I really like her and I think she likes me back and your one of my best friends and she is your sister and I couldn't keep this from you any longer" he said that all with one breath as he looked at me in a 'I'm sorry I fucked your sister' kind of way.

But all I could do was laugh he looked at me confused and I just got up from my seat and patted his shoulder "I know" I said while walking to my dorm as he got and followed me "you know? How do you know?" He questioned and all I could do was smile at him and say "because of the way you look at her" I entered my dorm leaving Enzo outside confused.

I had my own dorm perks of being the dark lords son as did Cassie and I just locked my door before getting in the shower and going to bed.


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