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Can he just hurry up and make a move? Whenever it's just Bill and I, alone it's so fucking awkward.

At this point, i'm just gonna have to jump on his lap and kiss him or something.


But he isn't acting on it, and it's making me go insane. I am a bold person, he is not. I don't want to make him uncomfortable but come on now! It's been a week.

I cross my legs as we watch this random ass documentary, every time I would look at Bill, he would just look away right away. He was staring at me, I think he's been contemplating on making a move.

"Bill." I say sternly as I watch the show. "Yes?" He says looking straight ahead. "I'm not making the first move." I shake my head.

"I'm not either." Bill looks to me. "Then I guess we're just gonna be sitting here for a while." I look to him smiling. "We don't have to be." Bill shrugs.

"What do you mean by that?" I tilt my head at him. "If you make the first move i'll make the next one." Bill smiles nodding, is he for real right now?

Okay, he asked for it..

I turn my body next to Bill's, I stare at him for a moment analyzing his face as he stares at me, blankly.

Okay Chloe, it's time to be bold.

I place my hands on his neck, tilting my head at him. This bitch was still just staring at me, he cannot be that shy, like just fucking kiss me already.

I grab his face, embracing him into a kiss. He didn't want to do it first, okay then I would.

Bill kisses me back, intertwining his tongue with mine. I could feel my nose rubbing up against his, I shift my body closer, getting deeper into it.

"We're home!" Tom yells opening the door, I pull away from Bill, biting his lip gently. As I stare at my sister and his twin brother, staring at us blankly.

Oh fuck my life.


I stare at Chloe, as her hands hold Bill's neck, looking at the both of us. I could hear her clear her throat, running up the stairs. "Chloe! Come back here!" I yell laughing, turning my face to Tom.

He laughs running up the stairs with me, I barge open the bedroom door. I see her scrolling on her phone.

"Tom, let me talk to Chloe for a second yeah?" I say turning my head to Tom, he nods running down the stairs closing the door behind him.

I sit next to her on the bed, grinning. "Stop staring at me like that." Chloe says, her eyes glued to her phone.

"Tell me what happened." I pat on the bed excitedly. "We just kissed, it's not that big a deal." Chloe shakes her head. "Oh come on! Gossip with me." I smirk.

Chloe puts her phone down, turning her body next to mine. "Is the soulmate thing true.?" Chloe asks. "It is." We've figured that out. I nod.

"Do you think Bill is my soulmate?" Chloe questions. "I do, yes." I smile. "Do you think he likes me?" Chloe says. "Yes, I do, or else he wouldn't be sucking face with you." I laugh.

"It wasn't really a mutual kiss, I kinda just grabbed his face and kissed him." Chloe laughs.

"Do you think he liked it?" I ask. "I think so?" Chloe replies confused. "Just be careful with Bill, he's still a virgin, i'm pretty sure." I say.

"He's a virgin?" Chloe says. "Yes he is." I nod. "Do you think you're gonna have sex with Tom." Chloe asks suddenly.

"Definitely." I smile. "Ooo!" Chloe pokes me jokingly. "We almost did, the night you came back but.. it didn't happen cause I was being a silly virgin." I sigh.

"What did he do?" Chloe asks. "Well, he was just staring at me blankly, I could feel his gaze on my chest. It was burning holes through my fucking tits." I laugh.

"Okay, then what happened." Chloe follows up. "Then I basically grabbed his hands, and placed them on my boobs, then I climbed on top of him and started kissing him." I reply. "Woah." Chloe says taken aback.

"Then he asked me if I was ready, and I said I was, which I did think I was but apparently he noticed I wasn't, because once he started to tug on my panties I got super fucking nervous and he noticed." I tell Chloe.

She listens to me nodding her head as I talked "So, I was waiting for him to fucking just stick it in me already but then he put my bra strap back on and covered me up with the blanket and laid next to me."

"So he wasn't mad?" Chloe asks. "Not at all, I thought he'd be a little upset but, no." I shake my head.

"That's good." Chloe smiles rubbing my shoulder. "I don't know what to do Chloe." I sigh sadly.

"What do you mean?" Chloe says. "We aren't from this world Chloe, what if all of a sudden all this goes away. I'll never see him again." I could feel my nose stinging and the tears filling up. The thought of losing Tom, is just unbearable.

"Im sure it'll be okay." Chloe smiles.

"I hope so."

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