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I walk down the stairs holding Chloe's hand, I see Bill and Tom on the couch talking. Probably about us, i'm sure. I smile gently at Tom, walking to the couch.

Chloe's and I's hands separate, as we sit on different directions of the house. "We have bad news, really bad news." Tom says, oh no.

"What is it?" I ask. "Paparazzi found your social media from 2023." Tom says. "How'd they even get my name?" I look at him confused, what the fuck?

"I don't know, Lana Monroe isn't-" Suddenly, Tom disappears. Oh dear god, he forgot didn't he.

"That idiot!" Bill yells. "It's okay, he'll be back soon." I nod. "Isn't it his first time traveling?" Chloe asks. "It is his first time, I wonder what year he's in." I reply.


I felt this weird, awkward thing rush through me. I'm so fucking stupid, I forgot that when I said her full name i'd travel.

I suddenly open my eyes, I was in a school? It was just an abandoned hallway, I start to explore further. Just walking down the halls.

I turn my head to another hallway where I heard some commotion, I walk towards the group of people. Curious as to what was going on.

I saw a bunch of people laughing at someone, I didn't know who though.

The farther I walked, the more the crowd seemed to disappear. I start to run towards it, that's when I noticed who they were tormenting.


I could see her trying to walk past the group of people, but they just wouldn't fucking stop.

I start running after her. "Lana!" I scream, she just kept getting farther.

God please forgive my enemies and serve them some justice, cause I sure the fuck won't.

"LANA LOOK AT ME!" I start to run at full speed, I could see her head turn. Her eyes flooded with tears, finally she stopped getting farther.

I was getting closer.

I push through all the people getting to Lana. "Fuck off!" I yell pulling her arm through the crowd, she looks to me in shock. I suddenly see a girl pull back her hair. I turn around shielding Lana.

"What the fuck do you want." I tower the girl, I wasn't going to touch her. But, I wasn't gonna let these people talk to my Heaven like that.

"She's a fucking slut! She tried to steal my boyfriend!" The girl yells. "

"Oh fuck off, based off the way you look i'd assume I could shove my whole guitar up your pussy." I scoff, taking Lana's hand.

"Follow me." I turn my head to Lana, she quickly starts to run after me. I look to my left seeing the sign that said exit, running through it.

I take Lana to a bench, sitting down. "Y-You're Tom Kaulitz." She points at me. "Indeed." I nod smirking.

"Why did you help me?" Lana asks. "Because I love you." I say holding her cheek. "You don't even know me." She shakes her head.

"I do." I smile. "But how?" Lana tilts her head at me. "You'll find out how, stay out of trouble for me Heaven. Okay?" I hug her, kissing the crown of her head.

"How are you here?! You're meant to be 34 right now." Lana hugs me back. "You'll find out soon my love." I pull her head up, I give her a gentle kiss.

"Lana Monroe." I whisper against her lips.

Oh god, how did Lana go through this feeling like six times a day. I'm gonna fucking puke.

I felt myself back on the soft couch, I saw Lana smile. Seeing that i'm back. "How was it." She asks, oh god. How does she do this.

I felt something stuck in my throat, it was choking me.

I saw Lana run up after me, as I cough into the sink. She starts to pat my back, helping me out. What the fuck is this.

I cough out something, metal?

I pick it up analyzing it, it was a key. I look to Lana confused, as I turn it around. I wash it off bringing it to the couch. "What the fuck is this and why did it come out of my body." I say holding the key up.

"What could it open?" Lana asks grabbing the key. "No idea.." What is going on.

"We have a treasure box in the basement, it's locked. I never figured out how to open it. I've been trying for years now." Bill says.

I turn my head to him getting up, everyone follows behind me as I open the door behind the stairs that led to the basement, I run down the steps searching for the box. I found it under a bunch of tarps and old CD's.

I pull it out. "Let's go." I say running back up the stairs, everyone follows closely behind me.

I place it on the table staring at it, I look to everyone. Taking a deep breath in, I put the key against the hole.

It went in.

I twist it to the right, trying to open the chest, the top of the chest suddenly flings open. Causing all of us to jump back. I found a letter stacked on top of some other items. I pick up one of the letters reading the title

'This is Tom and Lana from 2040, something weird is happening.."

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