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'This is Tom and Lana from 2040, something weird is happening.." I read the title, I look to Tom. "Does this mean we stay together?" I smile gently.

"I hope so." Tom smiles looking down at the letter "Enough with the lovey shit, read!" Bill yells.

I take the letter from Tom's hand, taking a deep breath in as I read it.

"This is Tom and Lana from 2040, something weird is happening.. and you must fix it. Younger Tom and Lana, have been corrupting the world. Slowly, everything is changing. Tom's wife from 2023 doesn't exist anymore, she disappeared once Tom proposed in the later years. Causing older Tom, to disappear as well. Every year, as you guys grow up a generation of yours disappears. It's fucking up the world, super badly. Try to not travel for a while, if you travel even one more time, it could fuck everything up. Maybe even end all generations of you guys for good." I read the letter out loud.

"So, if we just don't travel, we're good?" Tom asks. "I think so, yes." I nod. Tom rummages through the chest pulling out a smaller box, that had a note on top.

"Wear these bracelets, they'll shield you from traveling even when you say each others names. Give the other two to Chloe and Bill as well, the same thing is happening to them. Also, tell Bill to make a move or he's gonna die a virgin- Tom."  Tom reads the note snickering.

I could see Bill's eyes widen, a bit as they start twitching at Tom. "I'm gonna travel to the future and merk you." Bill threatens Tom.

"Can't travel anymore bitch!" Tom laughs sticking his tongue out at Bill, I pull the bracelets out from the box I saw that each one had our names on it.

Mine didn't say my name though, it said the given name Tom had given me. 'Heaven.' I smile to myself putting it on, he still called me that after all those years?

I hand Bill and Chloe their bracelets, they were just silver bracelets, nothing special. No designs or anything. "Can I test it out?" I ask.

"Go for it." Tom nods, I turn to him staring at him. "Tom Kaulitz" I say out loud, wow!

"Shit! It actually worked!" I laugh.

"Lana Monroe." Tom says squinting at me. "Damn, how'd older us create this." Tom says. "I'm guessing we've had a lot of time to figure it out." I shrug.

"You know what this means babe?" Tom smiles, I shake my head at him confused. "We're gonna be together forever." Tom smiles.

"You're right!" I squeal hugging him. He hugs me back pulling me into a kiss, I smile against our kiss. I could feel Tom's tongue slip into my mouth making me to giggle. I fall back on the couch, not breaking our kiss.

Tom kisses my neck, gently nibbling at it. "Stop that tickles!" I squirm shaking my head, I could feel his smile against my neck as he starts to kiss down it. Finding my spot, I gasp lowly, arching my back.

He found it.

"We're still here y'know?" Bill says.

"You have your own room upstairs, go to it then." Tom says, I slip my hands up his shirt, making a vertical line down his abs. "I'm not going upstairs, too lazy." Bill shrugs. "Bitch." Tom turns his head to him.

"It's okay, tonight is our night." I whisper in his ear.

I scoot up the couch sitting criss cross. I suddenly got an idea, I start giggling to myself as I think about it.

I'm gonna take an 0.5 of Tom.

"Tom!" I say excitedly pulling my phone out. "Hm?" He hums turning his head to me. "Take off your hat." I giggle, he looks at me confused but complies with me.

"Now what?" He asks, I giggle putting the phone up to his forehead GODDAMN!

I take a couple different photos from different 0.5 angles, I pull my phone away looking at it. Tom looks over at my phone glaring at me. "It's not that big okay!" He crosses his arms. "It is, but it's okay." I smile.

He huffs in anger. "Baby! Don't be mad i'll sit on it if you wanted me to!" I joke, wasn't joking though.

"Oh!" Tom says turning his head to me. "Is this just what you guys talk about?" Chloe asks.

"Basically, most of the time yes." I nod my head. "How are you already that comfortable, that's crazy." She shakes her head. "Just because you're with shy boy here doesn't mean I am. Tom asked me if I wanted to fuck the first day I met him, so..." I shrug.

"True that!" Tom laughs. "Can everyone stop hating on me, i'm just a bit shy. Nothing wrong with that!" Bill yells. "Stop hating on Bill guys!" Chloe laughs making an X with her arms. "Stop the goth hate!" Bill yells.

Bill and Chloe had similar styles, her name in my phone was 'Goth Barbie' i've called her that for years.

She had both sides of her nose pierced, a septum and a lip piercing. It wasn't like Tom's though, it was placed in the middle of her lips. Chloe had black hair with a blonde streak in the front and a style much like Bill's.

"Ooo! We should go shopping." I say pointing at Chloe. "I'm too lazy!" Chloe whines. "Bitch get up!" I walk over to the other side of the couch pulling her up.

"Can I take your car Tom?" I ask, he throws me the car keys. "Thanks." I smile giving him a kiss, I start to walk out the door. "Wait!" He says walking behind me.

Tom pulls out his wallet handing me his credit card. "No." I shake my head pushing it back. "Take it." He pushes it back at me. "I said no, I have money." I say.

"Bitch take the damn money, why are you acting like he's not basically your husband." Chloe laughs standing by the door. "Because! I need to buy a couple things for myself." I explain.

"You're taking it end of discussion." Tom kisses my neck then my lips smiling, I roll my eyes taking the card. I see him plop on the couch satisfied.

I open the door. "Love you!" Tom yells. "Yeah, yeah whatever." I say annoyed, closing the door.

I suddenly hear the door open again. "Um!! Say it back!" Tom pouts. "I love you too Tom." I smile. "Kay, thanks." Tom smiles walking back inside.

Time to go shopping!

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