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I close the car door, getting in the drivers seat. I turn to Chloe. "IM GONNA HAVE SEX WITH TOM!" I scream. "Wow, you think you're ready?" Chloe asks.

"Yes, why do you think we're going shopping." I put my hands out, as if I was staring the obvious.

"You gonna get waxed?" Chloe asks, my eyes suddenly widen twitching at her. "I was just gonna shave.." I shrug. "No, get waxed it'll get the roots. What if he eats you out." I don't know if Tom a munch or not so..

"Chloe!" I nudge her shoulder, gasping. "I'm just saying!" She throws her hands up surrendering.

"Won't it hurt?" I scrunch up my face. "Oh yes, it'll hurt but. You'll be hairless." Chloe shrugs, I take a deep breath in. "Okay, i'll do it." I sternly nod pulling out the driveway.

"So shopping or wax first?" Chloe asks. "Waxed, to get it over with." I say, driving to the only waxing place I knew. Hopefully they waxed down there too..


I pull into the place, putting my sunglasses on as I hop out the car. I go to talk to the receptionist lady.

"Hi, do you guys do brazilians?" I ask her. "Yes, we do. Would you like to schedule an appointment?" She tilts her head at me. "Do you have one for today?" I tap my fingers on the desk.

"Yes Paige can take you in as soon as she's done with her last client, shouldn't be long of a wait at all." She shakes her head smiling.

"Okay thank you." I smile back sitting on the couch in the waiting area with Chloe. I shake my knee nervously, this was gonna hurt. I knew it was.

"Chill, it's not THAT bad." Chloe laughs. "God, I hope not." I laugh shaking my head.

I see one of the estheticians walk out, the receptionist nods towards me. I take it as a sign to get up. "Hi, are you ready to be taken in?" She smiles.

"Yes." I smile following behind her. We get to a room, the esthetician closes the door gently behind her. "You wanted a brazilian correct?" She asks, I nod.

"Okay perfect, lay down and strip off your bottom half off for me please." She smiles mixing up some of the wax. "Look away." I demand of Chloe, she turns around tapping her foot up and down as she waits.

"You know that Tom is gonna see all this later right?" She says with her back turned towards me. "Yeah Chloe that's kind of the point of sex." I state.

"Okay, don't get in a pissy mood on me now!" Chloe throws her hands up, I place the blue paper blanket around my thighs, propping my legs up on the thingy.

"Okay, you can look now." I tell Chloe, she turns around grabbing a chair sitting next to me. The esthetician sits in her rolling chair scooting up. "You ready?" She looks up to me, I slowly nod.

I could feel some of the hot wax against um.. me.

After a couple moments I felt her rip it off. "AH!" I scream taken aback. "Sorry honey, it's best to surprise you. Makes it hurt less." She smiles.

Oh dear god, this was gonna be fun..


"Why did I let you convince me into that! Oh my god!" I yell getting into the car. "She even waxed your asshole too." Chloe laughs.

"I know! It hurt like a bitch!" I whine, turning on the car. "Where we going now?" Chloe asks. "Victoria Secret." I smile driving away.

"Oo, what color you buying." Chloe smirks. "Probably dark blue, I feel like it looks good on me." I reply. "You better buy like a bunch of sets, you have his card" Chloe says. "I'm not gonna waste his money Chloe."

I shake my head. "Girl as if he'd mind, he's gonna be the one seeing you in them." She laughs. "Well, you have a point there." I point at her agreeing.

"At least buy three." Chloe says. "Ugh, fine!" I complain, I didn't like spending his money.

I drive for about ten minutes before arriving at the Victoria Secret, I get out the car shifting the stick to park. I run into the store with Chloe, trying to escape the cold.

I start to browse in the matching sets section, before a worker comes up to me. "What size do you need?" The worker asks me. "32DD and XS bottoms." I told you I had big boobs.

"The 32DD is in this section, and the XS are in the drawers to the left." She smiles, I smile nodding as I thank her. I find a lacy dark blue set.

I hold it up, looking at Chloe. "How's this?" I put it against my body, trying to imagine how it'd look on me. "Ooo, yes for sure." Chloe smirks.

"Or this? I pick up a dark green one. "Both!" Chloe smiles. "Okayy.." I shrug putting it in my basket. "Buy a see through night gown to put on top of it." Chloe says.

"You think he'd like it?" I squeal. "Definitely." Chloe nods, I walk over to the lingerie gowns, I pick out a dark blue one to match the set, it was really short. Probably reached only the middle of my asscheeks.

But if he's gonna rip it off anyways then...

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