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CW: smut.
(I'm expecting comments guys.
Don't go silent on me please😘)

I get home, walking up to Tom's room. I see him sleeping on the bed, I take this as my opportunity to go to the bathroom and change into all the little goodies i'd gotten. I smirk to myself thinking about his reaction

I shut the bathroom door gently behind me, I strip free of my clothes slipping on the lingerie set, I put the gown on over it. I stand in the mirror analyzing myself.

I looked good.

I walk out the bathroom door shutting it gently, I climb on the bed. Getting on top of Tom. I hear him groan lowly, twisting and turning.

"Wake up, I have a treat for you." I whisper in Tom's ear, I see his eyes flutter open. His face turning into a grin as he sees me laying on top of him. 

"Hii." Tom smiles rubbing his tired eyes. "Helloo." I smile tilting my head, he still hadn't noticed what I was wearing. I roll off of him, laying down.

I turn my head to Tom. "Oh wow." Tom smirks, putting my gown up a bit rising it up to my stomach.

He gets on top of me. "You did all this for me?" He whispers in my ear. "Just for you baby." I whisper back. I pull his head, embracing him into a kiss.

Tom places dark hickeys scattered against my neck, I could feel his pecks getting lower and lower, I arch my back as my breathing gets heavy. Tom slips off my gown. Looking at me for approval to unclip my bra.

I eagerly nod my head, I could feel Tom's cold hand slip my straps off my shoulders before unhooking my bra. His eyes widen slightly as he kisses my nipples that were getting hard, awaiting him.

"You're so beautiful Lana." Tom whispers kissing up my tits to my neck, slightly behind my ear. I gasp lowly, slipping his pants off with my feet. Tom pulls away for a second taking his shirt off, throwing it to the side.

He immediately goes back to kissing me, grinding into me gently, I could feel his bulge harden up from underneath me. I could feel his kisses get lower, he kisses around my boobs, tracing the outline of them with his lips before moving down my waist.

Once he got to my thong, he looks up to me. "Are you sure Lana." Tom says clearly. "Yes please." I nod biting my lower lip. "Completely?" He asks holding my hand.

"Yes Tom, completely." I nod once again, I could feel him trail my thong off my body slowly, he spreads my legs getting in between them.

"You're so beautiful, I love you and your body." He kisses the outer part of my pussy. I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter. "Oh god." I whisper under my breath.

Tom glides his tongue smoothly against my clit. "This might hurt baby okay, be patient with me." Tom smiles looking up to me. "I trust you." I nod.

I could feel Tom's fingers against my entrance. "I need to stretch you out a bit, tell me to stop and i'll stop okay?" Tom reassures me. "Okay.." I reply.

I could feel his two fingers go up into me slowly, I gasp, my chest rising as I breath heavily. "Are you okay? Does it hurt too much?" Tom asks, keeping his fingers in one place. Letting me adjust.

"I'm okay." I smile, Tom shifts his fingers left to right, moving them up and down slowly. "It's a little uncomfortable Tom." I squeak my voice a little.

"It's the only way baby." Tom says kissing down my pussy sucking my clit gently. "Oh!" I yell, pulling on Tom's dreads.

"Tell me if it gets to be too much." Tom holds my hand, rubbing it gently. He fastens the pace of his fingers as they glide in and out of me smoothly.

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