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I sit in the bath with Tom as he scrubs my back with a loofa gently.

I shift my body towards him, wincing a little as I moved. My whole body ached, it was worth it though.

"Thank you." I pout my lips happily at Tom, he starts to scrub my arms. "For what?" He tilts his head at me smiling. "For being so gentle with me." I smile softly.

No one had ever been as kind to me as Tom had been.

"You don't have to thank me for that." Tom shakes his head. "I know, but I want to." I nod happily, putting my chin on my knees. Tom grabs my hands kissing them.

"Never thank me for loving you the way I do." Tom closes his eyes shaking his head again.

"Do you think this is crazy Tom, don't you think we're moving too fast?" I ask. "Nonsense." Tom disagrees. "What do you mean." I tilt my head a bit.

"Well, if we were to meet in the real world for the first time, I would've said we were moving too fast. But no, we didn't. You were sent here, by god knows who to save me. I mean hell, if we weren't 17 and you were from this generation I would've proposed to you by now" Tom says, oh god I might just pass out.

"I love you." I interlock both my my hands with Tom's. "We're so corny." Tom laughs. "Okay, when other couples do it, it's corny but when we do it, it's cute." I smile, hugging him. "You're right." Tom agrees.

I could feel a sense of tiredness wash over me, causing me to yawn loudly "Did I tire you out Heaven?" Tom asks kissing my neck gently. "Mhm." I hum softly nodding my head. "Let's finish up yeah?" Tom smiles.

He stands up, leaning over to the bar next to the shower getting a towel. Tom steps out, drying himself off, he wraps the towel around his waist before grabbing another one for me.

I stand up carefully, as Tom holds out the towel for me extending his arms, he picks me up out the shower using the towel. Tom places me on the counter gently patting down my body, he gets to my tits, patting them down. Squeezing them gently with the towel.

I giggle squirming. "You just got some, you want more?" I joke. "Oh I always want more baby." Tom smiles lifting me up, he opens the bathroom door stepping out, he throws me on the bed.

Tom climbs on top of me, smiling as he places repeated kisses across my neck. "Tom, i'm sore stop." I giggle moving his face away, he kisses around my nipples looking up at me before pulling away.

He walks up to the closet grabbing clothes. "Your clothes or mine?" Tom asks turning his head to me. "Just give me one of your shirts." I reply.

"Just a shirt?" Tom pulls one of his shirts off the hanger. "Yeah." I nod falling back on the bed. Tom throws the shirt on my face. "Hey." I say sternly, deepening my voice.

"Woah, where'd that come from." Tom laughs. "Up ur ass." I flash him a bright smile. Tom pulls one of his boxers out of the drawer putting one foot in.

He slips.

I put my hand over my mouth, snorting as I try not to laugh. I see Tom groan rolling on the floor, I jump off the bed, to try to help him out.

But I end up slipping on the bed sheets, causing me to face plant on his butt.

At least his ass saved my fall.

Suddenly the door opens. "Oh my god!" Bill yells, as he runs away slamming the door shut. "Oh that was so not in the right context." Tom groans.

"We should probably explain ourselves." I giggle. "Nah, let him wonder." Tom says getting up.

I suddenly hear loud knocks on the door. "Why are you eating ass right now." Chloe bangs against the door "Dude!" I yell throwing Tom's shirt over my body.

Tom finally gets his boxers on, standing up opening the door. "Hi." Tom smiles at Chloe. "Where's my sister." Chloe asks looking Tom up and down, crossing her arms. "Here!" I yell from the bed.

"What was that scene Bill just walked in on." Chloe laughs. "It wasn't what you think." I laugh shaking my head. "Then what was it." Chloe tilts her head at me.

"He fell, so I tried to get up and help him. But then I fell too and face planted on his ass cheek." I nod slowly.

"You're not good at making cover up stories." Chloe says leaving the room, shutting the door behind her. "Should we go tell her that we're not lying?" I ask.

"Let them believe what they want to believe, who cares." Tom shrugs jumping into bed with me.

"Let's sleep now yeah?" I smile digging my head into Tom's chest as I hug him tightly.


I woke up twisting and turning, I felt Tom's arms on my waist. I turn to him, poking him jokingly.

"Baby, i'm trying to sleep." Tom snuggles his head in my chest. He wraps his arms around me kissing my neck gently. I pull his face up smiling at him.

He just stares at me in confusion.

I plant a kiss on his lips, Tom kisses me back deepening the kiss, I suck on his lip piercing gently. He pulls away catching his breath, I tilt my head at him.

"What's wrong baby?" He asks tucking some hair behind my ear.

That's when I realized.

This was the dream I had.



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she's so drippy 😜 st4rlet

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