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This was the dream I had.

"Tom!" I yell bolting up. "I think you pierced my ear drums, what's wrong?" He groans rubbing his eyes.

"This is the scene from my dream?! Or well.. Not dream?!" I pat on his shoulder aggressively, as the moment of realization hits me.

"What the fuck are you talking about Lana." Tom looks at me confused. "Remember when I told you the night before I traveled I had a dream that I woke up next to you in bed?!" I explain.

"Yeah, so?" Tom shrugs. "It wasn't a dream Tom, it was the past!" I tell him. "So you're saying, that night you time traveled back to this moment. Then you traveled back to 2023?" Tom tilts his head, confused.

"Yes! That's exactly what i'm saying!" I get up quickly. "Ah fuck." I groan, sitting back down.

His stupid fucking big ass dick broke me and now i'm gonna be crippled for the rest of my life.

"It makes sense though, doesn't it?!" I shake Tom aggressively. "Okay, im gonna need you to explain this to me when i'm fully awake." Tom gets up walking to the bathroom, I sit on the bed as I start to think about it

I could've traveled to any moment in time, why was it a moment I had shared with Tom?

Usually when I traveled it wasn't something that had already happened, it was something that was going to happen. Am I ever going to fully figure this out?

Was it like deja vu? Or what.

Maybe i'm just overthinking it, am I?


But, what if it was like a warning or something? Telling me what to expect to happen, that's possible isn't it? Or maybe it was just an actual dream.

I just cant get over how vivid it was when I saw it that night. It definitely was not a dream.

I  walk over to the drawer pulling out a pair of Tom's boxers. "Tom! Come on let's go we have to tell Chloe and Bill!" I open the bathroom door, I see Tom lick his teeth before walking out.

I go to the guest room first, for Chloe.

Oh, she wasn't there?

"Tom." I pat his shoulder smiling, he looks to me confused. I nod my head towards Bill's room "Do you think they you know?" I smirk, Tom's face suddenly brightens up, knowing what I meant.

"Only one way to find out!" Tom shrugs barging Bill's door. "AYE!" He yells loudly, I see Chloe jump off of Bill's body, awoken by Tom's yelling.

Bill was still asleep.

"What the fuck is your problem!" Chloe groans rubbing her head. "Did you have sex with my brother?" Tom raises his brow at her. "What? No, I-" Chloe shakes her head. "Save it goth girl." Tom says.

"Um! No, we didn't because we literally just met." Chloe says. "Yeah, so? You're soulmates, keep up!" Tom snaps his fingers at her. "You've sure as hell got one sassy boyfriend." Chloe says to me, getting up.

"Where are you going! I wasn't done with the confronting." Tom points to Chloe.

"To take a fucking shower." Chloe reply's with a petty face. "Yeah, it's that after sex smell. I can feel it in my nostrils." Tom starts to sniff, aggressively.

I laugh at him as he sniffs around. "Dude it's not that big of a deal." I snicker. "Ay! Brotha!" Tom yells pulling the blanket off Bill, he was only in his boxers.

Yeah, they fucked.

"Tom i'm cold! Leave me be!" Bill groans, cuddling up into a ball. Tom plops onto the bed next to him. "You couldn't tell a brother that you had sex? I mean I would've given you some tips." Tom laughs.

"Can you like, leave." Bill shoos Tom away. "Come on Tom, that's enough." I laugh pulling him. "I broke Lana's legs! Did you break Chloe's? Didn't think so!" Tom snickers sticking his tongue out.

Chloe suddenly emerges from the restroom, toothbrush in hand. "I don't know, let me take a wild guess on why!" She sarcastically says, putting her index finger on her chin.

She walks over to me, grabbing my shoulder. "See Lana here, or as I like to call her Anal." Chloe smiles.

"Why the fuck are you calling me Anal." I scrunch my brows at her. "Because, Lana spelt backwards is Anal. Keep up!" She snaps her fingers at me, just as Tom had at her. I roll my eyes, waiting for her to get to her point.

"See, my dear baby sister here.." She holds my cheek bones shaking my head as I glare at her. "She's a virgin, well she was." Chloe tilts her head, from the left to the right. "And see big sister Chloe here, is not!" She says.

"So, did you get all that. Or do I need to explain it again for your small brain capacity to remember." Chloe says with a sly smile.

"Can you stop being mean to my boyfriend, he looks like he's about to cry." I point to Tom.

"Am not!" Tom sniffles wiping his nose.

"Okay whatever, i'm gonna get ready." Chloe walks back into the bathroom, I look to the bed seeing that Bill had fallen back asleep in the middle of our argument.

"You meet us downstairs in ten minutes! Lana has an announcement to make, I think. Right?" Tom whispers that last part. "Yes right." I whisper back.

"Right!" He screams once again.

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