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I see Chloe walk down the stairs, coming to the living room. "Is Bill awake?" I ask Chloe, she shakes her head no. "Go wake him up!" I yell waving her away.

"Jesus fuck, okay." She starts to run up the stairs.

I lean my back on Tom's body. Crossing my legs, as I wait. "Maybe you're just overthinking it babe." Tom says. "Overthinking what?" I turn my head to him.

"It's really not that big a deal, it was probably just a dream and it felt similar." Tom shrugs. "There has to be something more to it, life isn't normal anymore. I mean you coughed up a fucking key that led us to a letter." I explain.

"I don't know, what's your theory on this?" Tom asks. "That I traveled to the past so I can be prepared for the future." I say. It made sense to me, I didn't know if it would make sense to him though.

"That makes a little bit of sense." Tom tilts his head left to right. "You don't get it, do you?" I smile shaking my head. "Not at all." Tom smiles awkwardly.

"Okay, we're here what's so important you had to wake me up at 9AM for it." Chloe says running down the stairs, I see Bill behind her walking down the stairs lazily. "This better be good." Bill sighs.

They probably won't even care, but whatever.

Bill and Chloe sit down on the couch, waiting for me to start talking. "Okay, so remember when I told you guys about that dream I had the night before I traveled?"

Chloe and Bill nod their heads yes.

"Okay, so I don't think it was a dream." I shake my head. "What was it then?" Bill asks. "I woke up this morning, and it was the exact same thing that I saw. It was like getting deja vu or something." I say.

"Okay so what does that mean?" Bill asks.

"I think, that night I traveled to the past, the past was warning me for the future. Preparing me in some way." I explain. "I'm confused." Bill stares blankly.

"I know I am too." Tom nods. "You guys are just fucking stupid." Chloe makes a weird face, judging them. "Okay so then explain, what does Lana mean." Tom challenges Chloe. "Okay." She says getting up.

She stands in front of us, ready to explain my point.

"So, Lana before she went to bed she touched that CD and said your name, so it makes sense that she actually traveled. But it's weird cause she's never traveled to a memory of the two of you, she's always just went back in time to you in specific.

So i'm guessing this is why she's confused, also her theory is that.. The whole reason she traveled was so she could get like a hint almost? Or a warning of what was gonna happen, in the future.

Also, I bet future Lana sent young Lana to that time, just because of the fact that it was just a really random memory. But also not so random because it was the morning after she lost her virginity. So do you understand now or do I need to explain it again?"

Damn, I think she got that even clearer then me.

"Exactly! You guys understand now?" I ask Bill and Tom. "Sure.." They nod slowly at the same time.

"Tom, I love you, but your brain capacity doesn't hold much." I shake my head sighing.

"Hey! That's!- actually really true." Tom nods in defeat. "You guys seriously don't get it?" I point to the both of them, they both shake their heads no.


"Okay, it's fine.. It was probably nothing important anyways." I shrug sighing. "Are you fucking kidding me?" Bill glares at Tom and I.

"What?" Tom and I say at the same time. "So you're telling me, you woke me up from my sleep so we could talk about a theory that probably isn't even fucking true. Just to not even figure it out in the end?" Bill says angrily. "Sorry?" I tilt my head smiling.

"I'm going back to bed." Bill scoffs sitting up. "What are you gonna do Chloe." I ask. "I'm gonna go get my hair redone, my roots are showing." Chloe holds a piece of her hair up, I give her a thumbs up as she walks away.

"So, Tom and Lana day?" Tom smirks, turning his head to me. "Tom and Lana day." I smile nodding. Tom smiles embracing me into a kiss. I hold his neck as he placed small gentle hickeys on my neck.

"Mm- n-not today Tom." I moan, as his kisses move lower. We just had sex last night, would I do it again? Sure, but I didn't want to turn into a piece of jello.

"I'll be gentle." Tom whispers, slipping his hand up my shirt squeezing my nipples. "Mhm.." I hum in pleasure.

Wait no! We have to use this day to figure out more things about the traveling world.

I smack his back, making Tom jolt up. "Why did you do that!" Tom whines, moving off me. "Because! We're busy today! Stop being, so.. seductive!" I yell.

"Fine." Tom sighs getting up, marching up the stairs. "AYE!" I yell from the couch, I hear Tom groan running back downstairs, he picks me up bridal style carrying me up.

I smile at the face he was making, as he pretended to be upset, he was so cute.

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