𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐥

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𝕲𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖘𝖙𝖆'𝖘 𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖉𝖎𝖘𝖊



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❝stay with us, honey. ❞
»»———-  ———-««

𝓘f you had told Evonne when she was younger that she would be saved by the prettiest men she had ever seen, she would have laughed in your face.

Being held so delicately by Bill as the private doctor they had paid a hefty amount of money to not say a thing to anybody checks her over and bandages her wounds whilst Tom sits close by keeping an eye on her knowing she was scared.

"Geht es dir gut, Schatz?" (are you feeling okay, shatz) Bill questions, feeling her thin body shaking the more the doctor keeps touching her.

Evonne looks up, fear in her eyes. Tom seeing this puts his hand on the doctors arm, signalling him to stop for a second.

"Ich weiß, dass du Angst hast, Evonne. Ich verstehe. Aber der Arzt versucht nur, dir zu helfen, Liebling. Wir sind hier bei dir, okay?" (I know your scared, Evonne. I understand. But the doctor is just trying to help you, darling. We are right here with you, okay?) Tom reassures her softly whilst Bill tightens his arms carefully around her.

Evonne nods her head slightly making Tom let go of the doctor and nod, the doctor soon going back to checking her over.

The twins share a worried look when Evonne looks away, noticing how even though they reassured her the doctor won't hurt her she still seemed out of it and scared.

"Ist bei ihr alles in Ordnung?" (is everything okay with her?) Bill questions after noticing the doctor had finished bandaging Evonne's wounds.

The doctor looks up confused making bill repeat his question but in English this time, realising he had been speaking German to a doctor who doesn't know the language.

The doctor, finally understanding Bill, nods. "Yes, Mr Kaulitz. Everything is okay, she has bruises on her ribs which look like they have been there for a few days now but other than that she just has the cut on her forehead which i stitched up and a few other cuts on her arms and legs. It doesn't seem like she has a concussion but i would keep an eye out just in case. She also seems to be malnourished, it would be good to keep an eye on her and make sure she eats as much as she can"

Tom looks at Evonne noticing her furrowed brows and the pure confusion on her face, he touches her hand softly to get her attention without scaring her whilst bill speaks with the doctor.

When Evonne looks up through her lashes tom smiles and repeats what the doctor said quietly but in German so she understands. The small girl nods her head slightly and sends him a smile in thanks. Tom nods with a smile of his own still plastered on his face.

Evonne lets out a quiet yawn, her eyelids fluttering closed slightly before she opens them again, Bill looks down with a soft smile and asks quietly, "Bist du müde?" (are you tired?).

Evonne nods her head slightly causing the twins to smile.

"Okay, warum bringen wir dich nicht nach Hause, ja? Wir können dafür sorgen, dass Sie sich in einem Zimmer zwischen unseren niederlassen. Wenn Sie also in der Nacht etwas brauchen, können Sie zu einem von uns kommen!" (Alright, why don't we get you home, yeah? We can get you settled down in the room in between ours so if you need anything in the night you can come to one of us!) Tom smiles at her when she turns to him in surprise at his question.

"heim?.." (home?..) she questions, a slight tremble in her voice. They were letting her stay with them? They aren't going to throw her back on the streets like the last people?

The twins look at her with smiles on their faces, laughing softly before nodding. "heim. Du wirst bei uns bleiben, Schatz! Okay?" (home. your going to stay with us, honey! okay?) they say at the same time causing Evonne's eyes to widen slightly before she nods slightly, a single tear slipping out of her eye.

"Gehen wir nach Hause." (Let's go home.)

»»———-  ———-««

🦋kiotel, 2023!!

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kiotel, 2023!!

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