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The only people Maeve thought of when she received that text, was her best friends.

"It's my mom." Maeve said and opened her messages. "And look what else she said."

Maeve, sweetie, it's mom
I know you're in college, moving on with your life but I just was wondering if I could borrow some money?

"It's just a trap." Sydney scoffed, handing the phone over to Zendaya to read. "She'll just use you to help with her fucking addiction."

"Yeah, good thing you didn't respond." Zendaya added, handing the phone over to Maeve.

"I'm thinking of blocking her." Maeve nodded as she let out a shaky sigh. Her friends looking at eye in worry.

"But how do you feel? I mean, it's the first time this bitch has contacted you in, what, 4 years?" Sydney said as she stood up, Zendaya stopping her.


"No! She has hurt and disappointed Maeve her whole life. She can't just crawl back and expect everything to be okay." Sydney turned to Maeve who had tears in her eyes. "She hurt you. I hate seeing you hurt, Mae." She crouched down and held her friends face, wiping the tears. "Please block and ignore her. She's not worth it, you moved on with your life. You don't need her."

"I know." Maeve whispered, her voice breaking. "I know..."

"I'm sorry. I know having not having a parent in your life, let alone none, is heartbreaking. But please don't allow yourself to be hurt again." Sydney begged, she hated seeing Maeve hurt. She could still remember all the times she came crying to her house because of her parents fighting or the abuse that went on.

"I won't." Maeve sniffled and Sydney hugged her tightly, Zendaya joining in as they all melted into the embrace. The love for each other radiating off of them to show the support they had. "I love you guys." Maeve chuckled through wet tears and Sydney and Zendaya shared a smile with the girl before bringing her in for another hug.


Hailee was extremely worried about Maeve. She had become distant again and even if Maeve said she couldn't be mad (even if she wasn't), she was more worried than anything.

"Maeve?" Hailee called out as the Dawson girl stepped into the dorm room, planning to head straight to bed and ignore Hailee but the taller girl had other plans. "Can we talk?"

"Uh no. Not right now." Maeve disregarded but Hailee stopped her from leaving, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"No. Now."

"You can't force me, Hailee." Maeve glared, but Hailee didn't stop.

"You're becoming distant. And I know you said not to be mad, but I'm not. I'm just worried about you." Hailee expressed and Maeve's face softened slightly before her glare returned.

"I don't care, Hailee. Let me go." Maeve managed to get out of Hailee's grip, that wasn't even that strong but since Maeve was smaller than her, it felt like a ton.

"Fine. Walk away. Don't talk to me because in the end, I won't keep waiting for you." Hailee snapped and Maeve stopped in her tracks, tears beginning to sting her eyes as turned around.

"You wanna know? My parents don't exist to me. Haven't my entire life. My moms an addict and my dads an alcoholic, so imagine my surprise that after 4 years of cutting them off, my mom contacts me asking for money?!" Maeve finally let out, yelling in Hailee's face who remained calm, her plan working to get Maeve to confess. "So I'm sorry if I'm not talking to you because at this point, I don't fucking care! I hate my parents! They're pieces of shit, who never cared for me unless it was to get what they wanted! A-and I-" Maeve was cut off when she started sobbing, Hailee bringing her into a tight hug that the shorter girl immediately melted into. Burying her face in Hailee's chest, she sobbed, letting everything out.

Hailee felt her small fists hitting against her, and she knew Maeve was feeling too many emotions right now, but anger, pain, and sadness were the main ones. Hailee let herself be used as a punching bag, it wasn't like her punches were hurting her so she sat on the bed, letting Maeve punch as freely as she wanted to till she just broke down in sobs, hiding her face in the crook of Hailee's neck.

Hailee held her in her lap, wrapping the girls legs around her as she held her tightly. She stroked her back and whispered sweet nothings in her ear, trying to help her feel better. Eventually the crying died down, Maeve's eyes feeling very heavy as she let out shaky breaths. She clung tightly to Hailee, like a koala to its mother. She didn't want to let go and Hailee would never force her to.

So to prove to Maeve she wasn't leaving, she laid down on her back, taking her hoodie off and placing it over the Dawson girl as she laid her on her chest. Maeve immediately relaxed on top of her, wiping her tears with the sleeve of Hailee's hoodie. She buried her red and puffy face in the taller girl's chest, exhaustion taking over and soon, she was out like a light.

Hailee kissed the top of head, keeping her close to her. She made sure it remained as quiet as possible for the girl. She didn't want to wake her. She knew Maeve needed this, to let her emotions out till she sobbed her little heart out and knocking the fuck out. Sleeping like a little baby in the arms of the girl she likes. Hailee kept a firm grip on her, her hand slipping under Maeve's shirt to rub her back, tracing shapes as she listened to the steady breaths she let out. She felt her chest heaving up and down slowly, her heartbeat was calm and her hair was a mess but she managed to tuck it away and see her beautiful face as she slept.

Hailee wanted nothing more than to show her love that she's never seen nor felt before. She wanted to be the one to hold her hand through every feeling she felt, through every traumatic thing she'll talk about, through every event or moment that might happen. She wanted to be hers.

And it was in that moment, when the sun set and the rays of the colorful sky illuminated on Maeve's face, that she realized, Hailee loved Maeve Dawson.

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