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I plop back on the bed.

"How would we find out more information about time traveling if we're the only ones that we know of, who travel." Tom asks.

"I don't know Tom, it feels like we're living this but we're so clueless about it." I sigh turning on my stomach, Tom's shirt rising up.

He stares hardly at my ass, looking up to me. "You're doing that on purpose." Tom sends a smack to my ass.

"Who gave you permission to smack my buttocks." I clench my cheeks, my hands flying to them, I rub on my butt to get rid of the stinging sensation.


But also, hot?

"Buttocks?" Tom laughs. "Yeah, saying ass feels weird, buttocks sounds more elegant." I reply. "You're so weird." Tom laughs pulling my waist in closer.

"Am not!" I dig my index finger into his chest. "Are too." Tom digs his finger into my chest as well. "Am not!" I yell once again. "Are too!" Tom yells back.

I grunt turning my body from him, crossing my arms as I huff, I could feel some of my hair fall into my face, I blow aggressively on it.

"Stop trying to act like you're mad." Tom says kissing my neck gently, moving down to my collarbone.

"I am mad." I say sternly. Tom shakes his head. "No you're not." I could feel his smirk against his lips as he continued placing gentle pecks.

"Stop it, im mad." I turn my face to him, glaring at him. "You really want me to stop?" Tom kisses behind my ear. "Yes I do." I squirm, it tickled.

Tom starts to tickle under my armpits. "I didn't know you were ticklish." Tom gets on top of me tickling my whole body. "Stop!" I laugh.

Tom started to tickle behind my neck, I turn my head right to left. Trying to get him to stop. "Tom!" I yell, tickling him back. Tom squirms getting off me.

I climb on top of him, I had taken over.

I am powerful.

I am the one who's in charge now.

I tickle his sides, moving up my body up and down. Now tickling his arms as well, I could see Tom's face get red. "How you like me now hm?" I hum laughing.

Tom suddenly throws his head back groaning. Oh.

I had gotten him hot and bothered without even noticing it, I move my hips down lower. Checking to see if my theory was right. "Oh!" I giggle hopping off him, I didn't even know! I swear!

"You did that on purpose Lana." Tom shakes his head. "I didn't! It was an accident!" I surrender throwing my hands up. "Sure you didn't." Tom nods.

"Okay, let's just get back on topic before we stray too far off." I put my hands on his shoulders. "So do I just wait for it to go away or can I use the restroom?" Tom points down. "You can wait, anyways! What is something we can do about this." I hum, thinking.

"Holy shit!" Tom yells getting up. "What?" I ask. "Ive got an idea okay, just here me out." Tom puts his index finger up, telling me to give him a minute.

"Tell me." I nod towards him. "What if, we travel into the far future, to older Tom and Lana. Maybe get some answers? I know we aren't supposed to but it'll just be this once!" Tom reassure me.

"No Tom, it's too dangerous." I shake my head, what if something happened? I didn't want to lose this. 

"Oh come on what's the worst that can happen!" Tom throws his arms up complaining. "Um!! We could literally vanish from the universe!" I reply.

"If it's just one time then what's the hurt in that, let's just do it. It'll be worth it in the end, we'll finally have answers." Tom nods. "What about Bill and Chloe?" I ask. "We can bring the answers back for them too." Tom says. "Okay fine, but just this once." I sigh.

"Shouldn't we change before we travel to the future?" Tom points to the closet. "Oh yeah, let's change." I say getting up. I get some baggy blue jeans, keeping Tom's shirt that I had on.

Tom puts on his usual attire, and we sit back on the bed. "Give me your bracelet." I put my hand out, he slips it off placing it in my hand. I take mine off, stalking one over the other, putting it on his nightstand

"Are you ready?" Tom asks, holding both my hands. "I'm ready." I take a deep breath in.

"3.. 2.. 1.."

"Lana Monroe." "Tom Kaulitz." We say at the same time, holding hands. Okay, it's working, I can feel it.

I squint my eyes shut, before opening them back up again. I see Tom in front of me, open his eyes at the same time. We were on a bed.

My bed.

"This is my room Tom." I say looking around, he didn't reply. Why wasn't he speaking?

I could see Tom start walking to the middle of the room, staring ahead. Still silent.

"Tom? What's wrong are you okay?" I walk over to him trying to grab his hand.

It went through his body, as if he was a hologram.

"Tom?!" I scream. I suddenly see every version of Tom, from every year pop up, it went as far back as 2003.

I switch my gaze, between all the Tom's. I saw them all staring at me, I could see him pop up one by one. "Tom!?! What's going on!" I yell.

I suddenly see 2003 Tom, vanish. His body turning into tiny little grains on the floor. "TOM!" I scream.

I see 2004 Tom vanish, then 2005, and so on.

I start screaming fucking bloody murder. I go to jump on Tom from 2006, hoping to save him. But he was blocked, I tried to take a step forward but it was like a clear wall, every-time I touched it I bounced back.

I start banging against the translucent wall, separating me from him. "No please!" I start crying, I move all the way across my room, I saw Tom from 2010 disappear.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON PLEASE NO!" I scream. If you heard my screams, you'd be terrified.

Tears start streaming down my face. "I can't do this right now please, Tom don't leave me. I need you." I slide against the clear wall, sobbing.

Why was this wall blocking me from my will to live?

I suddenly get up once again, banging against it. There was only three generations of him left 2021, 2022, 2023

I suddenly see older me pop up next to Tom. "You should've listened to us Lana, this is your fault." They shake their heads before disappearing.

Those words echo in my head

This was your fault. This was your fault. This was your fault. This was your fault. This was your fault.

"FUCK! No, this can't be happening." I shake my head walking over to some of the items I had of Tom.

"Tom Kaulitz" I say out loud.


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