You have a nightmare

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age 14
I'm running as fast as I possibly could, trying so hard to get away from this monster that is chasing me. Every crack on a stick, every crunch on a leaf could be heard from miles away

"Left right left right," Is what I keep thinking while I run trying to get my footing right, I look behind me trying to find this creature, not seeing the branches in front of me. I fell with a big thump

Quickly turning around just to see the creepy creature right in front of me growling at me, I try to back up but wrong move it launched at me

I shoot up in a sweat, with an off pattern breathing while looking around trying to ground myself, knowing that I won't go back to sleep I get up going to my older sisters room to see her sleeping peacefully, but with the guilt I wake her up

"Sadie... Sissy please wake up," I beg while I shake her awake, "Y/n? what's wrong?" she asked confused, but until she hears my breathing I think she understood what happened

"oh honey come here," Sadie said and as soon as she opened her arms I crashed right into them trying to seek comfort into my sister "it's okay baby I got you it was just a dream, your safe, your alright,"

Rocking me back and forth while whispering sweet nothings into my ear made me relax and almost fall asleep in my sister's arms. But because of the guilt I had to apologize "i'm sorry that I woke you up for a stupid dream," Chucking while I said that she immediately cut me off

"nonsense if you ever had a bad dream I want you to come to me," She pulled me back to her chest so I could hear the rhythm of her heart beat. After a while, I still couldn't sleep and Sadie knew that by saying, "you want me to sing for you honey?" Nodding, she started to sing a random song. And before I knew it I feel asleep, but the last thing I heard was "I love you Y/n. You could always come to me," And lays a kiss on my forehead.

I'm so lucky to have THE Sadie Sink as my sister

imma start cryin cus of how bad this is 😭😭😭

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