Faded Memories

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Your eyes widen as you run through the dark pitch-black woods, holding the flashlight in your hands as it goes from side to side from your momentum. A piercing unsettled crackle to your right side as you quickly glance but nothing is in sight. Your heart raced deeply inside your chest as you tried to catch your breath but it seemed useless since you'd been running for a whole half hour now. You kept alert, looking around, only to find your flashlight flickering suddenly, you desperately hitting it to keep it stabilized. It went out. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" you murmured beneath your breath, stumbling around on your feet, and you hit it again and luckily it turned back on. Another crackle but feint, maybe about ten to fifteen feet away, as your ears started ringing, you hit the side of your head as an agonizing migraine settled in. The flashlight was becoming more dim as you rubbed your eyes from lack of sleep from last night. You couldn't remember where you were or how you got here in the first place, but thinking back you were drinking alcohol at Marissah's bachelorette party. 

A cold shiver ran down your spine as you looked around, moving your flashlight through the distance. You felt very uneasy and felt as if you were being watched by someone or something. Goosebumps clouded the pores of your arms underneath your long-sleeve tee. Your light flickered again and then you heard an obscure resonance of what sounded like laughter. Your heart began to race again into your ears like a drum, loud and clear. You felt the coldness of your veins as your blood curdled and you gulped back the sudden saliva harshly as you panted for some air. You ran left, right, left, then another right like a never-ending nightmare. All of the narrow trees in the darkness looked alike, nothing different between any of them at all. You held your chest as a sharp pain straining your skin and you moaned in pain. Clenching your teeth, you shook your head and took another left through the woods.

It's been a hauling forty-five minutes of running around aimlessly like a chicken with its head cut off, and you sigh of relief as you witness a cabin in the near-distance. As you grew closer to the cabin, you shifted your pace a bit slower and now only walking. Your heart falls roughly into your chest as you flash your light to the cabin, noticing stained bloodied hand prints on the outside of the walls. The blood was a deepened color, so you noted it wasn't recent. You didn't care, because walking around, the cabin was fully sealed and there was a door to lock from the inside, as you shrugged and figured that maybe you should call it a night. By morning you'd plan to possibly try and mark your way with waypoints to find your way back to civilization. 

As you entered the cabin, you locked the door behind you with the silver lock and metal key, placing the rusted key upon the wooden table stand. You glanced around the inside of the cabin, sheets covering most of the furniture, but covered in about an inch of dust particles, almost as if it weren't even touched by anyone. Something caught your attention as you looked down near the table. Kneeling down, there was a knife on the darkened floorboards covered in fresh blood at the edges of the blade. Another chill ran down your body, as you picked up the knife to study it. You held your flashlight closer to the knife as you read the silver engravings, sliding your finger across the name, and mouthed quietly, "...Jeffery Woods." Your flashlight started to go crazy, flickering violently as you dropped the knife out of being startled, the knife making a tinking, clattering sound. You hit the flashlight with your hand but it didn't stop. "What the fuck..." you say as the light goes out and you stood in the darkness. You suddenly felt very weak, about to pass out, and still the burning pain in your chest cavity randomly. No injury or strains, then what was this feeling? It was something you've never experienced before. Possible anxiety or fear. You hit your light again but no luck.

You carefully tread around the cabin haphazardly with your arms stretched out, grasping for anything in reach. Scanning the walls, you looked for a possible light switch, or maybe a light source of any sort. After several minutes of looking, you gave up and shook your head. It was pitch black and the night had been freezing. Your teeth quivered uncontrollably as you sat down with your legs folded, sliding your legs into the inside of your shirt and rocking back and forth, trying your best to stay warm. "Shit, it's fucking cold as fuck...why did I even have to go to that party in the first place? It was so lame..." Your words tread off as you hear a scraping noise against the front cabin door. Alerted, you stood up, clenching your fists in fear. It could've been an animal of some sort. After that thought, you unclenched your fists and breathed deeply. But then again, the same scraping noise, but this time near the window panels. "Oh my gosh yes, finally!" You gasped in relief as your flashlight flickered on, grasping it tightly into your hands and panning it towards the window. A shadowy dark figure shifted away from the right bottom corner of the window within seconds it seemed and you stood disturbed, the hairs on your arms standing straight up. Your conscious, you felt dead in your tracks, at a loss for words to describe the event that just happened. "What the fuck was that," you whispered to yourself, your body starting to shake in fear. 

"Th...that was definitely not an animal..." You backed up slowly, a foot behind the other one, the flashlight flickering, and then escaping from your hands to the ground, tripping over an object and blacking out. 

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