Chapter 18: Everyone gets a visit from Dr.Solace

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                Violet's POV

I'm not sure about this Will guy. He seems to like Nico. In like that way. I tried to get up. I yelped out in pain. I somehow forgot about my foot.

"Are you okay?" The blonde boy said.

"Will you blind idiot.," Nico said while whacking him in the back of the head, "Look at her foot. It is in a bandage. Do you think that she is okay?"

"No. I was just asking!" The blonde said back at Nico.

"Well, that is a stupid question!" Nico said back. They started insulting each other about stuff.

"BOYS!" I said. "Hi, I am Violet Scarr." I said while holding out my hand.

The blonde boy walked over and shook it. "Will Solace." Will said. "Can I please look at your foot?" He asked.

I glanced at Nico for an answer. "Violet just let him look. He is a healer." Nico said.

"Sure you can look at my foot." I said. Will took off the bandages that Nico put on them. Will then slightly moved my foot. "OW!" I said.

"Sorry. Im pretty sure you shattered your foot." He said. "What happened exactly?"

"I wanted something from the fridge. But, I was too short to reach it. I decided that it would be a good idea to climb up and get it. My foot slammed into the freezer. My other foot got stuck on a shelf. So, I got stuck in the fridge." I told him the whole story.

"Okay. What a story. I am going to heal your foot as much as I can." Will told me.

"Okay." I said. He started muttering something that I couldn't understand and his hands started to glow. I could feel the pain slowly going away. His hands stopped glowing after a few seconds. "I can't so anymore than that. Your foot is no loner shattered but is still broken."

"Wow. How did you do that?" I said. Will re-wrapped my foot. He did a better job than Nico did.

"I am a son of Apollo. God of the sun, poetry, music, and medicine. So, I used magic." Will said.

"That is cool. Who do you think my parent is?" I asked him.

"Well I don't know." Will said.

"Can I walk on my foot yet?" I asked.

"I wouldn't walk on it yet. Give it a few days then you should be fine." Will said.

"Okay thank you." I said.

"Your welcome." He said.

"Will there is still another that needs help. Maisie is sick." Nico said.

"Okay." They both got up and left.


Nico's POV

"Will do you have any clue who Violet's parents are? Because I have no clue." I asked him.

"Its strange. She is blonde like Jason. Has sea green eyes like Percy. But at the same time I get Athena's smarts from her. I don't know." Will said. "Nico there is also a new prophecy." Will said.

"What?!" I said. I stopped walking, Maisie's room was at the end of the hall. Of course we were only a few doors down. So I tried to keep it quiet. "What do you mean that there is a new prophecy?!" I asked.

"I can recite the lines for you?" He offered. I nodded. "A half and half demigod, shall save the books, Demeter's daughter takes responsibility, a dark blade shall end and start a new, the sun shall shine even in the darkest moments, a Hermes' shall pay." He recited the lines.

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