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It is a warm summer afternoon in the outskirts of London. Thursday 19th to be precise. Now that I think of it tomorrow is my last day of primary school! I looked outside the classroom window. why did I have to be stuck inside a classroom in such nice weather?! The bell rung indicating that it was time for lunch. i stood up and took my lunch from my bag and went outside into the playground. It was nice to feel the warmth of the sun heat up my skin. i ran down to my unusual bench were i eat my lunch and pulled out my sandwiches. Mum had made me Ham and cheese sandwiches! Just as I was about to bite down on my sandwich it was yanked from my hand. i looked up to see a large boy with jet black hair slowly running away from me with the sandwich in his hand.

"Give it back!" I shouted in anger.

As soon as the words fell from my mouth the dark hair boy tripped over his shoelace and i sped towards him to get my sandwich. i picked it up to discover it was covered in dirt.

"Dont hurt me" i heard someone say. i looked around at the group of children that had formed a circle around the boy and i. I then looked down at the boy that was no also covered in dirt.

"Who said that?" I asked

"Look now shes hearing things." a girl with pigtails said, pointing at me and laughing.

I pushed past everyone and back over to my bench. why can't I fit in with everyone else?
"we can't tell her now! She's too young."

"But she's going to find out soon anyway its better if she knows now so she wont get such a shock when her letter arrives."

"No Emily, its far too dangerous. what might she do if she finds out that she can-"

I backed away from the door that my parents stood behind. I never see them arguing. maybe its because im an oblivious 11 year old. i went upstairs to my room and took out a toy pony from my toy box.

i live inside a bubble of my own imaginary world. Mostly because i don't fit in with the other children. I'm different from them. I guess you could call me the reject of my school. I've hurt people that upset me, not verbally but physically without touching them. and i guess people thats why people are afraid to go near me. But today wasn't the first time i heard my mum and dad arguing this week. it's been going on for a while now and they always seem to be arguing about whether they should tell me something or not.

I heard a knock on the door.

"Lily...can i talk to you?" My mother said as she invited herself into my bedroom. she sat down next to me and crossed her legs. she picked up one of the ponies that lay on my floor.

"Mum?" I asked

"Yes sweetie?" She said playing with the ponies mane.

"Why can i do things that other children in my school can't? Why am i different?" I asked desperately wanting the answers

"Its nothing to be ashamed of sweety." she smiled. "its okay to be different."

"But the other children make fun of me and some are even afraid of me."

"Well...Lily, your i suppose you could say, special, compared to the other children. you can make things happen that the other children cant because...your a witch." She said looking up from the ponies mane

"Im a witch! But mummy i dont want to be bad!" I felt tears begin to form in my eyes.

I've read so many books and anytime a witch was mentioned in one, they were bad or they tried to kill the good people. It all makes sense! The children must already think im a witch and thats why they wont i near me.

"It's your choice whether you want to be a good witch or a bad witch. now instead of starting high school this September you will receive a letter from one magic school. im not sure which one yet it depends which school thinks you would do best at." my mother explained.

I wasn't sure if this was a joke or not. I mean...surely magic isn't real is it? I know I've done strange things without meaning to but...its not magic.


"Yes sweetheart?"

"Is this a joke?"

"No" she chuckled. "im a witch too."

"Show me" i said in excitement.

I watched my mum as she pulled out a wand from her back pocket. she pointed the wand at a stack of books on my dressing table then lifted her wand slightly. The books began to rise from where they once sat.

"Cool!" I said, amazed at what i just saw. "so dad can do magic too?" I asked my mum as she put the wand back into her pocket.

"You see, your dad used to be a wizard."

"Used to be? So you mean you eventually lose your powers?"

"No no, you see, like i told you before...witches and wizards can choose to be good or bad. A few months after you were born your father was approached by an evil wizard called...Madessa." my mum seemed to struggle to get the words of the evil wizards name out of her mouth. "at the time you father had very great powers. he was one of the greatest wizards. Madessa wanted him to join his so called army. but your father refused. after torturing your father, Madessa drained all his powers from him and made himself more powerful. all the witches and wizards kicked your father out of the magic world because he obviously was no longer able to perform magic and thats why we live amongst the humans." my mum looked as though she could cry. Maybe telling me that story brought back horrible memories. "I'll leave you alone now sweetie. dinner will be ready soon." she smiled then left.

I tried to do what my mother just did. I pointed my finger at the book and raised my hand high in the air but nothing happened. How can I be a witch?
Later on that night i waited to hear my mum and dad go to bed then i waited once again for them to fall asleep. Once i knew that they were sleeping i carefully got out of bed and tip-toed over to my door. I twisted the door knob and the door slowly creaked open. I then quietly walked to my parents bedroom door and slowly opened it making sure not to wake them up. The street lamp pierced through the bedroom curtains giving me enough light to see around the dark room. On the dressing table lay my mums wand.

"Bingo" i muttered to myself.

I creeped across the carpet and towards the wand. As soon as I grabbed the wand there was a large flash and the wand threw itself out of my hand. all the clothes started zooming out of the wardrobe. the dressing table drawers opened and all the items inside also zoomed out of were they were before.

"LILY WHAT DID YOU DO?!" My mum screamed. She struggled threw all the item that all suddenly found a mind of there own and grabbed her wand.

"ASTILLO!" She flicked her wand and shouted and everything went to a stand still. Some clothes and other items had frooze in mid air.

"Mum im sorry...i...i didnt mean it, really i didnt?" I said seeing my mothers angry face. she looked like she was going to pounce on me!

"I told you she wasn't ready yet." My dad said still lying in bed with his eyes closed.

"It was an accident Stephen!" My mum said equally as angry to my dad. My mum flicked her wand and everything that was mid air fell to the ground.

"You can clean this mess up." my mum said, her face red with anger.

"Cant you just clean it up with magic?" I asked confused.

"JUST CLEAN IT!" She shouted.

My mum left the room and my dad seemed to have fell asleep once again.

Im not yet a proper witch but after finding out about magic, Madessa and what he did to my father, i could just feel that everything about my entire life was about to change.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2015 ⏰

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