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I needed to be done, without Tom, I was nothing. Without my older sister, my best friend, I was nothing.

"Fuck!" I scream, my hands trembling as the glass aligns with my vein. I couldn't fucking do it.

It would solve everything, it seemed so simple. An easy fix, maybe i'd see Tom again.

Actually, I didn't know where he was. If he was safe in 2006, and he just wasn't with me. If even some of him still existed, I just needed him to fucking exist.

With or without me.

Hopefully with.

I place the piece of glass down, taking deep breaths. Focus on your breathing Lana focus, you can do this. Only you can save Tom, that was the reason for all this.

I pull the wristband out my pocket, I was gonna channel all my energy into this. "Tom Kaulitz." I say sternly, holding the wristband.


"Fuck!" I yell, pounding against the floor. I scoff getting up. "Fuck this." I scream throwing the wristband into the water. "FUCK YOU!" I scream at the top of my lungs, facing the ocean.

As I start to walk away, I felt a wave rush through me. I saw a flash of Tom from 2004. Then I was back to reality.

Another flash, 2005. I start to walk, shrugging it off. I'm probably just going insane.

2006. I saw him smiling at me. "Save me Lana." He whispers, I could feel myself going in and out of consciousness.

I suddenly feel myself fall to the ground.

Once I opened my eyes, I was back in my room.

2007. "I love you, don't stop trying." I could feel Tom's touch on my cheek. I actually felt his touch, the warmth was there for a second.

Before I knew it, it was gone again.

"How do I save you Tom!" I scream. I open my drawer, searching for an item that had something to do with him, a CD, a photo. Anything.

The wristband, it was there.

But, I threw it into the ocean? How.

I take it out the drawer, fiddling with it. I take a deep breath in, closing my eyes I put it up to my forehead. "Tom Kaulitz." I whisper, placing a kiss on it.

2009. "You're getting closer! Don't stop trying." Tom places a kiss on my lips, before vanishing again.

I go to my room, gathering everything I had that was even remotely close to Tom.

I rip my poster of him off the wall placing it on my bed, I grab the signed CD I had. I get Bill's book, I got anything that gave me even a hint of him.

"Tom Kaulitz." I say once again, putting my hands on all the items. I felt that same funny feeling.

How i've missed that feeling.

I start to blink really fast, I saw Tom it was 2014. I didn't care how old he was, I didn't care that in this moment I was 17. I just needed a hug, from him.

From any generation.

I see him sitting, eating some pasta at the dinner table. "Tom!" I yell, running up to him. He smiles embracing me in a hug. "I've been expecting you." Tom says.

"What do you mean?" I ask. "Sit." He points to the chair in front of him, knowing this was the man who I fell in love with but was older was driving me crazy.

I couldn't pounce on him.

That's what was making me go feral right now.

"You're not trying hard enough Lana." Tom shakes his head. "What do you mean?" I ask. "You know what I mean, you have to do more." Tom says.

"How the fuck do I do more? I've never even figured all this out fully." I reply, Tom gets up walking away. I look around confused, where did he go?

He suddenly comes back, with a guitar. "Take this, back to your time." He hands it to me.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" I hold the guitar. "You'll figure it out Heaven." Tom smiles.

I start to feel everything zooming through me again. how was he able to send me back to my room just like that? I walk over to my bed sitting down.

I grab the guitar, examining it carefully. It wasn't a an electric guitar, it was just a normal one.

I start to shake it aggressively, I heard something inside of it. It was in the center, that was behind the strings.

I don't know what's it's called, don't ask.

I suddenly see a ring, with a piece of paper attached to it. "Heaven, put this on.- Tom in 2006." I read the note. It was a beautiful promise ring.

He was finding out a way to communicate to me. What if I had opened the portal back up, at the bridge?

I take the note off, placing the ring on. Now what do I do? Maybe, since he had given it to me it would be more powerful.

"Tom Kaulitz." I whisper against the ring.

2010. "You're getting closer Lana! More power though!" Tom flashes in my room, before disappearing again. "Tom Kaulitz!" I yell.

2011. "ALMOST THERE! DONT STOP TRYING, SAY IT AGAIN!" Tom yells, popping up in my room.

"TOM KAULITZ!" I yell, at the top of my lungs.

2012. "Say it more then once!" Tom smiles warmly before of course vanishing again.

"TOM KAULITZ! TOM KAULITZ! TOM KAULITZ!" I yell. I suddenly see all the versions of Tom pop back up in my room slowly.

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