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I see all the Tom's start reappearing in my room.

Starting off with current time Tom.

He pops up. "I knew you could do it Lana." Tom smiles. "You know me?!" I say surprised.

"Of course I know you, i've known you since the day I came to that diner." Tom says, I widen my eyes. "You've known all along?" I ask.

"Who do you think sent you, to younger me." Tom tilts his head. "What do you mean!?" I say confused. "I knew, that younger Tom wasn't gonna make it. He needed somebody, so I found you. I made you into a traveler Lana." Tom smiles.

"Actually, when I was younger. I traveled to 2021 I saw you. So you must be wondering why you seemed so familiar to 2006 Tom, well it's because you've been subconsciously in each others lives this whole time.

My jaw props open. WHAT?!

"Remember that dream you had in 2019 was it? You went to go get ice cream with me, well me in 2005." Tom shrugs. "How do you know about that?" I ask.

"Because it's actually happened Lana, that wasn't a dream. You've been subconsciously traveling your whole life. You've just never noticed it till now." Tom explains. "Woah." I reply in shock.

Actually, that made a lot of sense. I don't know how I didn't notice it before.

"So what happens now?" I smile. "I think you know." Tom nods standing as he smiles.

I could see all of them reappearing in front of my eyes, they were all standing in a line, all the Tom's had their arms slightly crossed, as they smiled at me.

I sit on my bed watching all this unravel in front of me. "Missed me babe?" 2009 Tom smirks, winking.

"Of course!" I smile leaning back on my bed, he gives me a bright smile, standing the same as they all had been. It was getting closer, I would see the Tom I fell in love with once again.

This was it, all of them standing in front of me.

All the Tom's put their hand out for me to take. "Join me Heaven." They all say at the same time.

I knew which Tom I was picking.

I run up jumping on Tom, the Tom I had fallen in love with. The Tom who had showed me kindness and respect and love.

I mean come on, i've always been a dreads girl through and through.

As soon as I jumped into Tom's arms we flashed from 2023 back to 2006. I opened my eyes, I was in Tom's arms. Of the couch of the Kaulitz house.

I could feel tears filling up in my eyes as I looked at him, I was sitting on his lap as his hands held my waist tightly. I could see the tears filling up in his own eyes too. "Tom." I tilt my head at him with a happy pout.

"Heaven." He replies, I could see his eyes start to become glossy. I hold the sides of his face, embracing him in a kiss. I could feel our tears mix with each other as they fell down our face.

"You have no idea, how much i've missed you." Tom says against my lips. "What happened to you Tom?" I ask holding his face.

"All the generations of you popped up, and told me that I fucked up and it was all my fault. I spent a month trying to get you back, but it was useless. Id say your name everyday. Nothing." Tom shakes his head.

"That's what happened to me too." I hug against him. Taking in his warm body heat once again. "I love you so much." Tom kisses my forehead.

"I love you more Tom." I cradle into him, as we cried into each others arms. This was the only place I wanted to be, his arms.

I hear some steps coming down the stairs. "LANA?!" Chloe yells running towards me, she picking me up off Tom's lap. I didn't know she was that strong.

"Chloe!" I smile wrapping my legs around her waist. "Did you just scream Lana?!" Bill runs down the stairs. "Oh my god!" Bill yells, he hadn't seen his twin in a while. Tom walks up to Bill hugging him.

I could hear Bill's sniffles, he was crying into Tom's shoulder. "How could you leave us like that!" Bill punches Tom's arm.

"We weren't trying to leave!" Tom rubs his arm. "Okay so explain to us, where did you go." Bill sits down on the couch, I hop off Chloe. Grabbing Tom's hand, we sit down on the couch, starting to explain every thing.


"And now we're here." Tom nods slowly, gripping on to my hand. "You're so fucking stupid Tom." Bill sighs.

"Hey! I didn't know all of that would happen!" Tom defends. "WE ALL READ THE FUCKING LETTER WHAT DID YOU THINK WAS GONNA HAPPEN?" Bill yells at Tom. I'm staying out of this one.

"I don't know okay! I thought we could go get some answers and come back! Easy peasy!" Tom says. "You're such a dumbass Tom." Bill scoffs.

He walks away, going upstairs. I could see Tom with a sad look on his face, I know he didn't mean to practically destroy the generations of us.

"It's okay baby, you didn't know." I smile rubbing his cheek gently. "I'm gonna go check on Bill." Chloe nods before getting up, rubbing her legs.

"I'm so sorry Lana." Tom cries, I get on his lap. Holding his face up. "You have nothing to be sorry for okay? You didn't know." I smile gently, rubbing his tears away

Tom hugs me tightly. "Please, don't go away again." He shakes his head against my shoulder.


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