29. mukbanggg

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NELSON AND VIENNA were back in texas for the wedding that was currently in 3 days. they had fun in atlanta, seeing everyone that was on the rwe team again. nelson was over at vienna's house, home alone since her siblings were out with their friends and her mom and — soon to be step dad — was also out.

she wanted to film something for her youtube channel so she decided to do a mukbang video with nelson. vienna ordered some wendy's for them. both of them sat on the couch while watching gilmore girls.

of course, nelson was being forced to watch it with her.

"brooo, when is the food coming?" he groaned, throwing his head back in annoyance. just as he said that, there was a knock at the door. vienna stood up, giving him a timid smile.

"there's the food you fat ass." she giggled but then yelped when nelson threw a pillow at her butt. her jaw dropped, turning her head to look at him in shock as she walked to the door. vienna smiled at the deliverer. "hello."

"here ya go."

she grabs the bag from him, giving it to nelson who appeared beside her. "thank you so much, have a great day!"

"you too." the man said as she shut the door.

they both walk to the patio. vienna whipped her head around when she heard her dog barking and running towards them. "uno, we're just going outside. stay."

nelson had his hand on her waist when she stepped out of the house. uno wagged his tail while watching them sit down. she brought all the food out and propped the camera in front of them. vienna started recording, sitting down beside her boyfriend.

"hola! i know i haven't posted in a hot minute but i'm back and i'm here with— yikes.."

nelson turned his head to give her a look, raising his brow. "ya'll, i don't know what the fuck she is talking about. yikes or whatever. i can cook her in a 1v1, ya'll seen it."

"okay, shut up." she shook her head. "you need to stop using that one time you beat me."

"well it was on camera."

"exactly, i've beat you multiple times off camera." vienna bragged, holding her head high. nelson just stared at her with a smile on his face and leaned in to press a kiss on her lips.

her cheeks turned red, pressing her lips into a thin line and they both just stared at each other. "you know we're still filming, right?"

"way to ruin the moment nelson."

"my bad."

immediately, nelson started eating his food and vienna gave him a look when he started chewing with his mouth open. he did it to piss her off sometimes, knowing that it's her pet peeve.

"nelson, i swear if you don't stop." she warned him, giving him a side eye when he didn't stop. "this kid."

"whatchu mean by kid? i'm literally older than you?" he told her, furrowing his eyebrows. she smiles up at the camera while sipping on her drink.

"whatever." vienna brushes him off and then swallowed her food. "i posted on my story a poll for you guys to put in some questions and for us to answer."

nelson clapped his hands together. "to put it in more simpler terms. we're doing a q&a."

"oh, we're starting off with an easy question. who's better at basketball?" she read out loud, nelson looks over her shoulder to see her screen.

he shrugged his shoulders with a cocky expression. "ya'll know it's me."

"no it isn't. if you guys want to believe it's nelson, go ahead but the real one's know who's better." she points to herself discreetly and nelson grabbed her hand, putting it down on her lap.

vienna laughs as nelson puts his hand on her leg. "next question is; who is my favourite neumann?"

"is this directed to you?"


"answer mamas." vienna gave him a side eye at the nickname, she knew that he was just joking around.

"probably mama neumann and niles." she grinned and nelson took his hand off of her leg. vienna watches as he stood up and walked away. "where are you going?"

"i'm done with this video."

she brought the camera to where nelson was. since they were sitting in the patio, nelson was going down to the backyard.


he ran towards her pool, jumping in with all his clothes on and including socks.

"gross, wet socks."

"we're back and nelson is all dry now, except for his hair." vienna explained, showing them in her house and nelson wearing new clothes. "he keeps some extra clothes here at my house, i literally have a whole drawer in my dresser for him."

"you have a shit ton of clothes." he commented, looking up from his phone. nelson was sitting on the couch, vienna behind him and she leaned down to wrap her arms around his neck.

she turned the camera so it showed them.

"i guess we're done with the video because we ate all the food off camera." vienna laughs, her chin on his shoulder.

uno — vienna's dog — jumped up on the couch and lays on nelson's lap. he smiled, petting uno.

"wanna do the outro?" vienna asks him, placing a soft kiss on his cheek.

"sure." he nodded and took the camera. "bye guys! vienna and i are going to go make out now!"


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