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I cuddle up against Tom as we watch a scary movie. Suddenly a jump scare popped up. "Ah!" I scream digging my head into Tom's chest.

Tom pats my head, paying attention. "Is it gone now?" I ask looking up at him. "Yes baby, it's gone now." Tom laughs. His body was propped up against the couch while mine was laying down a bit more.

I was laying in between his legs.

"Heaven?" Tom looks down to me. "Hm." I hum watching the movie. "Did you have the dream that you fell and skinned both your knees too?" Tom asks.

I suddenly pause the movie. "You had that dream?" I say surprised. "Yes, but remember the last time you had a dream it wasn't really dream and it really happened." Tom says. "Don't curse me Tom." I shake my head. "I'm just saying!" Tom throws his hands up.

"Are you really afraid of the sight of blood?" I lean my chin on his chest, my gaze looking up.

"Not afraid, it just makes me nauseous." Tom explains. "What about when we're watching scary movies, there's always blood in movies. Doesn't that make you queasy as well?" I say. "Not necessarily, no." Tom says.

I give him a look, telling him to explain. "Well the blood in movies isn't real, so it doesn't bother me. But when I see someone bleeding in front of me, I just can't do it. I passed out when I pierced Bill's tongue."

"You pierced Bill's tongue?! On your own?!" I widen my eyes. "Yeah, we used those tong things that you use to cook. I used it to stretch out his tongue." Tom laughs

My eyes twitch, as he talks about how he pierced Bill's tongue himself. "So I kinda just jabbed the needle in his tongue, but then he started bleeding like super bad so we had to take him to the hospital." Tom nods.

"Oh dear." I say turning my body around unpausing the movie. "You know, that could be us right now." Tom points to the screen, displaying a sex scene.

"Imma need to plan the days we have sex, it can't be all willy nilly." I shake my head. "Why not?" Tom asks.

"Cause, I need to mentally prepare." I laugh. "For what?" Tom laughs as well. "That dick babe, it's abnormal." I shake my head.

Tom scrunched his brows. "I've had girls say a lot of different things after sex but i've never heard that my dick was abnormal." Tom starts burst out laughing.

I laugh too covering my mouth. "Hey what are we laughing about?" Chloe smiles walking down the stairs with wet hair. "My boyfriends abnormal dick." I point to Tom with my thumb. "Oh." Chloe nods slowly.

"Is that a good thing or bad thing?" Chloe asks pulling a water bottle out the fridge, twisting it open.

"I don't know, both?" I shrug tilting my head. "Well you have fun with that!" Chloe picks her water bottle off the counter going back up the stairs.

"Is it not normal to talk about stuff like this?" Tom says confused. "I don't know, thought it was fine." I shrug.

"We should go to target right now and mess around in it." Tom says, I bolt up. "We should!" I squeal.

"Kay let's go change then." Tom grabs my hand, as we start running up the stairs. "Let's match." Tom smirks. "Oo, okay." I smile going to my side of the closet.

"You pick a shirt." I back up, Tom starts to look through my clothes pulling out a white lacy halter top, it had a v-cut. Also shined my tits, which I think was what he was aiming for.

"Okay! Thanks!" I smile putting it to the side, I pull out some black and white plaid pj's, Tom had the same ones. "What shirt babe." Tom runs his fingertips against all his shirts.

I nudge Tom's hip, looking through all his shirts. I squint my eyes, thinking. "This one." I throw it on his body. It was just white and had some type of design on it, nothing fancy. Just his usual style.

"Thanks." Tom takes his previous shirt off as I strip free of my sweatpants, I slip on the plaid pj's tying the strings. To cinch the waistband.

I take off the hoodie, holding my boobs as I fiddle with the top, making sure to get it on the right way. "Tie me up please." I lift my hair up, I could feel Tom's fingers tie the straps of my top up. His hands move down my body, enunciating my curves, he grabs my waist tightly.

"You're so beautiful." Tom whispers, kissing behind my ear, he pulls my hair to one side of my body kissing my shoulders, collarbone and neck.

I could feel the goosebumps start forming, as his hot breath slightly sucked and nibbled. "I've missed you so much Heaven." Tom whispers sucking on my sweet spot. I let out a breathy gasp, I place my hands on top of his that were placed on my waist, interlocking them.

"When we get home, i'm yours." I smile turning around. Tom pulls me in closer into a kiss. "Only on your timeline." He smiles, grabbing my hand.

I grip his hand tightly as we walk to Bill's room, well Bill's and Chloe's, she moved in while we were gone. I'm pretty sure, I think.

"Yo." Tom says knocking on the door. "Come in!" I hear Chloe yell, I see both Bill and Chloe sat on the floor with a bunch of makeup out. "Whatchu doinn." Tom asks. "Having a competition to see who's better." Chloe smiles. "At what?" Tom tilts his head.

"At makeup idiot." Chloe looks him up and down. "Ohh okay, got it got it. Well, we're going to target. If you want anything?" Tom smiles.

They both shake their heads no, fiddling with some of the makeup. Tom grabs my hand walking out the room door closing it gently. "Do you think Bill's still mad?" Tom asks with a sad smile.

"It's okay you'll make up soon." I rub his shoulder, reassuringly. "Hope so." Tom smiles walking down the stairs.

It was time to go have some fun!

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