The sushi Date 🍣

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[Getting into the newly opened Japanese restaurant]
They enter the empty restaurant as suga had booked the entire place .

The owner greets them with a smile and say " It's a pleasure to have you here Mr min " referring to both of them as suga booked the place under 'Mr and Mr Min ' which jimin was unaware of , he started blushing hearing it.

"You Two look so good together I mean so handsome" the wife of the owner hesitantly complimented them in Japanese.
Both shyly said " arigato"
They reach their table and jimin saw a big ass bouquet of red roses , he smiled and held it asking suga " you got me roses ?"

Suga proudly put his hand on jimin's shoulder and said "it's bigger than the one taehyung gave you right? " Jimin lightly pushed him off and said " are you fighting him too?"

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Suga proudly put his hand on jimin's shoulder and said "it's bigger than the one taehyung gave you right? "
Jimin lightly pushed him off and said " are you fighting him too?"

Sitting down suga said " What can I do ? My boyfriend is so damn good looking that I have too many competitors!"
Jimin blushed and smiled at the sudden flirt .

They sat for a while chatting when the sushi arrived .
Suga picks a piece up and then puts it down acting like a kid " it's heavy , honey can you feed me ?"

[mycutiessugas on ig] Jimin burst out laughing " it's really heavy right , my small baby ?" " yes it is " said suga firmly pouting

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[mycutiessugas on ig]
Jimin burst out laughing " it's really heavy right , my small baby ?"
" yes it is " said suga firmly pouting.
Jimin feed him sweetly and they left the place by signing the wood slab ..
"ARMY will know about it " said jimin blushing.
"They should know we are having a date before I leave " he said confidently.

They get into the car and while they begin to put on the seat belts suga suddenly says " I don't feel good I think I need to have dessert " making a sad face .
" ok then let's buy it from the bakery on our way " jimin tried to console him .

" no I want it now " suga said firmly And pulled jimin into a kiss he begin with giving him quick pecks on his lips which made jimin giggle and admire his boyfriend then suddenly suga asked for permission with this tongue which jimin granted and t...

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" no I want it now " suga said firmly And pulled jimin into a kiss he begin with giving him quick pecks on his lips which made jimin giggle and admire his boyfriend then suddenly suga asked for permission with this tongue which jimin granted and they had a deep kiss , they pulled out once they were out of breathe .

" I AM FULL NOW , let's go home " suga said confidently.
Jimin looked outside the window trying to hide how hard he was blushing.
" yaa jimina we are dating for so long and you are still hiding it from me , if you won't look at me I will kiss you again "
jimin quickly looked towards him and suga attacked his whole face with sweet kisses.

" What are you doing ? I turned towards you " jimin said pouting .
" I didn't say I will not kiss you if you look at me " suga smirked as he held jimin's hand and started driving.

They arrived home to a pissed Mrs Min opening the door .
"Jiminahh come inside and you Mr rapper go sleep in some other room tonight " she said firmly .

Suga got offended and said " why should I do that ?"
" because you took My baby out while I prepared dinner for him " she said glaring at suga .

" but eomma I asked him for it and I can still have what you cooked " jimin said smiling like an angel and holding her hand to calm her .

" Don't take his side okay I know this boy , he must have convinced you somehow " she was not backing off .

"Yes I did , he is my boyfriend I can take him anywhere " suga was not backing off either .

And jimin was in between this cat fight of a cat and his mother .
They finally stopped bickering and enters their room , while Mrs min and Mr min asked suga to their room for a talk .

Suga enters their room after the talk while jimin gets out from the shower wearing his cute night pyjamas.
And suga couldn't hold himself from admiring his cute boyfriend .

He went and took jimin into a bridal hug

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He went and took jimin into a bridal hug.
When jimin tried to get out , suga held him tighter.
"Let's go to sleep darling " he said as he put jimin into the bed and pecked his face again .
He rested his head on jimin's chest and cuddled him .
Jimin started patting his forehead while they both fell asleep  breathing slowly.

I had stopped writing, thinking no one will read it but I think I should complete this since I started . If you are reading this , upvote if you like .
Love ❤️

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