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I hold Tom's hand walking down the aisles of target. "Condoms." Tom whispers in my ear.

I redirect the way we were walking, I stand in front of the aisle looking through all the options. I see an old couple staring at us, in disgust.

If you don't get dick just say that.

"Those." Tom points to the ones on the bottom shelf, I squat down, picking a box out. I put it in our basket. "Dr. pepper" I say taking his hand, walking to the soft drinks. "Let's get some coke too." Tom points to the coke. "Go get a cart then." I point my head to the front.

Tom groans and starts running to the front, grabbing a cart running back quickly, as he glides against it, his feet flying up. "Kay, here." Tom passes me the cart.

"Ready babe, i'm hulk." I extend my muscles flexing them. "Ready." Tom smiles, I squat down grabbing the box filled with drinks. Grunting as I pick it up.

I lift it up, putting it into the cart. "Easy peasy!" I laugh rubbing my hands. "You looked constipated." Tom says

"Shush up and grab the coke." I point to it, he grabs it with one hand putting it in the cart. "Show off." I scoff crossing my arms. "Always." Tom smirks.

"I need sports bras." I say pushing the cart towards the woman's section. "Okayy." Tom follows closely behind me, I suddenly stop in my tracks seeing the couple in front of us.

"Finally, we fucking found you." The blonde says, it was me.

Just, older.

"You, come here." Older Lana drags Tom by his ear to the back of the store. "You should go save him." Older Tom laughs. "I think so." I nod laughing.

"Ow! Ow!" I could hear Tom yell, I snicker running behind them. Oh what had he done.

Older Tom follows quickly behind me. I stand watching myself yell at Tom, giving him a lecture. "You aged nice." Tom smirks looking her up and down, well me. "I forgot how fucking sex crazed you were." Older Lana looks to older Tom.

"Enough with the flirting, why the fuck would you do that." Older Lana smacks the back of younger Tom's head. "What did I do!" Tom whines.

"You closed the portals of the traveling worlds, then you opened it back up and everything is going crazy now!" Older me yells.

I lean against the wall with older Tom watching the scene that was unfolding in front of us. He pulls a box of marlboros out from his pocket.

"You're gonna need this, she won't stop." Tom shakes his head passing me a cig, I laugh taking it. "Light me." I say putting my mouth closer to his lighter.

"It's not that big a deal Lana!" Tom yells. "Your such a dumbass! We told you not to travel!" She yells, I lean back against the wall, smoking my cigarette waiting for myself to stop yelling at Tom.

"How'd you even get here! Aren't we not supposed to travel?!" Younger Tom asks. "Oh like it fucking matters anymore, you drove a wedge through with the travelers and normal people." Lana says.

"Fuck does that mean?!" Younger Tom yells. "IT MEANS THAT PEOPLE WHO ARENT TRAVELERS ARE TRAVELING." I yell at him once more.

"So." Older Tom looks to me, waiting for the lecture to be over. "Can you explain this to me calmly?" I snicker.

"The portals are messed up, people who aren't travelers are going back in time and going to the future. It's really messing shit up." Older Tom explains.

"Based on how you look, i'm guessing you're from 2017?" I look him up and down, he was fine as fuck.

"Correct." Tom nods. "Lana! Come here!" Older me yells, oh dear.

"You better go, your temper isn't great." Tom laughs. I sigh getting up. "Sup future me." I laugh. "No time for jokes, how could you let this happen!" She yells.

"So, how's the sex now?" Tom nods to older Tom. "Good man." Tom dabs his younger self up.

Both generations of myself turn our bodies back staring at them. "What." They say at the same time. Lana and I just glare at them, crossing our arms.

"It was your fault!" Both Tom's point to each other. "No it was yours!" They yell once again.

I could see younger Tom, whisper something in older Tom's ears. Older Tom smirks nodding, I swear when I find out what they were talking about.

"Why are you telling the child that!" Older me yells at older Tom. "He isn't a child! He's 17!" Tom waves his hands around. "You heard what he said?" I ask my older self. "Yes, it's too much to explain right now though." She shakes her head. "What did he say?" I ask

"Baby Thomas asked if we let him hit it raw in the future." She says.

"I mean, I never said I wouldn't let him." I shrug. "Oh my god." She puts her hands on her temple sighing.

"Get your ass up." She grabs older Tom's hand, they walk over talking in private as I sit with my Tom.

"What do you think they're talking about?" I whisper in his ear through my teeth. "Probably us." Tom whispers back. "You think?" I ask.

"Definitely." He whispers back, I sigh waiting for them to finish up. "We're still having sex after this right?" Tom whispers.

"Yeah, after this." I nod.

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