It's funny how when you're young, you believe almost everything you're told. Im 56 years old now but I'd like to share a story with you. Well, it actually happend. I not only lost all my friends but also all my family, and trust me when i say that my family is huge!

Because of my own stupidity, i lost the people i love.

It all started when i was in high school. I was 16 years old and had the worlds most amazing friends ever!



" I whip my hair back and forth, I whip my hair back and forth, I whi-"

"Would you shut the fuck up?" I growled in annoyance. I had just finished my math homework and had started on my English but Pheonix would not shut up!

"I'm sorry but at least I'm trying to make the most of my summer holidays and not just sitting on my ass all day, reading about how to improve vocabulary!" She exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air.

I was trying so hard not to smack her then and there. I mean I love the girl, she is after all my best friend but sometimes she pissed me off to the point where I wouldn't care if she decided to commit suicide.

"First of all, we have two more days of school before summer break," I pointed out. "And secondly, we have an English exam tomorrow so I suggest you 's it on your ass and read about how to improve vocabulary'." I mimicked.

She didn't have time to respond as my mum came through the living room door with my little brother Nathan.

"Emily you were supposed to pick Nathan up from school today. Now I'm late for work, have to reschedule your dad's appointment and I just might hang myself if you don't clean up this mess." She said, gesturing to the heaps of papers that lay before me.

Shit, I forgot that I needed to pick him up!

"Ohmygod, mum I'm so sorry. I completely forgot!" I felt a rush of guilt as she sat down, lazily running her hand through her ginger hair. She sighed.

"Dont worry about it, just make sure you pick him up tomorrow and take your farther to the clinic for his eye test. I need to go to work and apologised before I get sacked." She mumbled.

I nodded, watching her leave through the front door and hopping into her black Mercedes before disappearing down the streets.

"Emilyyyy..." I turned to Nathan who had a slight frown resting on his face. "Can I please have a bacon sandwich. I never got to eat lunch at school today and I'm hungry," He whined.

"Sure! Phoenix, go and make Nathan a sandwich please." I made sure to do my best puppy dog face as she glared at me. I could see her slowly giving in and grinned in triumph as she sighed. Dragging a happy Nathan to the kitchen.

Just as I was bending down to gather my papers, dad burst through the doors demanding someone to find his glasses which were squashed between his wrinkly fingers.

"Dad! They are in your hands." I whispered, knowing very well that if I talked any louder he would freak out.

"Why won't you look at that, they were in my hands the whole time!" He announced, finally realising that he had them. I sat him down gently on the sofa and pushed his glasses on for him.

"I'm gonna take you to get your eye tested tomorrow. You need new glasses." I mumbled. I left the room quietly and followed the sweet smell of bacon to the kitchen.

My dad always forgot things quickly. You would tell him your name and two hours later, he would forget it . It had been like this ever since his fortieth birthday. He was also blind but we took him to the doctors every month to get a checkup. I didn't know what illness he had because it defiantly wasn't old age stuff. I decided on sticking with that fact that he had 'short term amnesia'.

It had been a real struggle for mum and it only hurts me when she talks about killing herself out of stress one day. I honestly can't blame her though. She had bought him black sun glasses to were so that he covered his eyes from any 'harmful object's'.

I sat down on one of the stool and watched as Phoenix fried a piece of bacon, Nathan standing patiently waiting for his meal.


"Good night Nathan." I kissed his forehead and tucked him in, watching as he slowly fell asleep.

I closed the door and made my way to my dad's room to see him lying peacefully, asleep. I then made my way to my own room, knowing mum was still at work, and jumped into bed. Phoenix had left moments after making a sandwich for Nathan and herself.

I switched the light off and let sleep take over my tired body.

First book, well second book but I'm sure to finish this book. I need to know what you think about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2015 ⏰

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