Chapter Five

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Mia was interested in this idea, “all right, so what’s the idea then?”

Reggie smirked, “Okay well for one we need to take a trip to Gringotts and get your heir ring and an inheritance test to ensure that Dumbledore hasn't placed any charms, compulsions, blocks, and such on you.”

“Gringotts? Heir ring?” the green-haired girl questioned.

“Okay Gringotts is the Wizarding bank and yes Mia you are the heir to one of the prominent houses in Wizarding Britain, you are the only member of the Potter family left, which means that you will be the Lady of the house, but the heir ring will work better until you are of age to take up the mantle of Lady of the House of Potter it’s a lot of responsibility and something that you need to be prepared for before just going into it, but I will be teaching you everything that you need to know. The ring protects you and prevents mental manipulation. But my idea is to name you the heir of the House of Black, which will make you more powerful if the Black family magic accepts you and with the Black heir ring it protects you from darker forms of mind magic, the Blacks are a predominantly dark cored family which means we thrive more on the darker magics than a gray or light cored witch or wizard. And being the Lord of the house since Sirius is in Azkaban and was technically disowned by our mother but not our father, so he still has the Black family magic, but Mother Dear didn’t know that bit… I have the power to do that.”

Aster looked at her husband, “Oooh Reggie, you were right, I love that idea.”

Mia looked between them, considering what he had said, "What will naming me heir entail?"

Regulus smiled at the girl, "Well the first step would be a blood adoption it would make it easier for the Black family magic to accept you which just means that in a sense that I would in the eyes of the Wizarding law, legally be able to take up guardianship of you and be a father figure of sorts, though you could still just call me uncle Reggie."

Mia nodded, "and the next step?"

"That would be getting your Potter Heiress ring and then naming you Heiress to the House of Black and getting that ring, and then last would be the inheritance test and seeing if there's anything nasty in your system and then getting it removed if so… so what do you say, Mia?"

The young girl bit her lip, she was still a little weary of them but both Aster and Reggie seemed to genuinely want to take care of her, and she didn’t sense any negative feelings like she had done with the Dursleys and the people at the orphanage. Mia thought about it for a few moments before she spoke, “so if we do this, that means that if that Dumbledore guy does somehow find out where I am, he can’t send me back there?”  

Regulus nodded at her, “yes Mia, if we do this and do the blood adoption then he has no legal right to do anything to you, and I will drag his name through so much dirt that he will be publicly shamed if he even tries.”

Mia teared up a little bit, that was probably one of the nicest things anyone had ever done for her, but she didn't mention it, and neither did Reggie nor Aster.  “Okay, let’s do it.” she finally made up her mind.

Aster and Reggie both smiled at her, “All right then, we will go tomorrow and get everything squared away, sound like a plan?”

Mia nodded, “Okay… thank you both.”

Aster crouched down to her level, “You are family Mia, and family means a lot to us, Reggie and I are going to take care of you now, you’ll never have to worry about anything again, we will protect you, we will give you a proper family and a proper childhood from here on out… and I mean that.”

Mia could see the sincerity in Aster’s eyes as she said that and teared up a little once again, but this time she hesitantly hugged the older woman, who smiled and gently wrapped her arms around her niece, she was not gonna let anything that she could control happen to her niece.

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